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用演绎法推算的结果是错误的。The result calculated by the deductive method is wrong.

定义说明文可用演绎法或归纳法展开。A definition paper may be either deductive or inductive.

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用演绎法建立了潜油电泵系统的故障树。The fault tree of electric submersible pump system is established by deductive method.

溯因法作为一种获得新知识的有效工具,它不同于演绎法与归纳法。As a effective tool to acquire new knowledge, abduction is different from deduction and induction.

基本战略的理念是与符合演绎法的,因此已经超越了权变性争论。The idea of generic strategies was deductive in character, and thereby having gone beyond the contingency arguments.

本文主要采用了问卷调查法、比较研究法、归纳演绎法三种研究方法。In this paper, three methods are mainly used, namely, questionnaires, comparative study, induction and deduction method.

实验法、归纳法、演绎法、类比法等研究方法,是物理学中一般常用的科学研究方法。The test method, the inductive method, the deductive method and the analogy method are usually used in physics research.

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根据故障树分析理论,用演绎法建立了常减压蒸馏装置常压塔的失效故障树。The failure tree for atmospheric tower is established with deductive method based on the theory of failure tree analysis.

寻找“新原理”的方法很严格,即必须采用演绎法或科学归纳法。In order to search for the new principles, it is very essential to adopt the methods of deduction and scientific induction.

在将模型法与演绎法和CBP法进行比较后,给出了模型法求规划的未来研究方向。After comparing model-based planning with planning as deduction and CBP, it gives some remarks on the future of model-based planning.

结合现场调研和有关文献资料,根据故障树分析理论,用演绎法建立了连续油管的故障树。The coiled tubing fault tree is constructed based on field investigation and relevant literature by use of the fault tree analysis theory.

从方法论意义上讲,第一条道路是归纳法的道路,而第二条道路则是演绎法占据主导地位。From a methodological sense, is the first of the road into the path of law, and the second path is the dominant interpretation of law status.

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本系统应用了逐级上溯和标准化子树的概念,综合应用演绎法和合成法进行建树推理。The system applies the conception of continuously tracing and standard sub-tree, and uses both synthesis and deduction method of FT building.

探索了一些在化学教学中应用归纳和演绎法来培养创新性思维能力的具体的、可操作的措施。Some exercisable measures are probed into for training innovative thinking ability by application of induction and deduction in the chemistry teaching.

在语法教学中,使用归纳法和演绎法,使学生既获得了语法知识和技能,又能使学生在智力、才能和思维方面得到发展。By using inductive method and deductive method, we can help students master the grammar and achieve development in intelligence, abilities and thinking.

照片背后隐藏的是激励神经科学演绎法则以及错误推理的漫长历史,所有这些努力都是为了阐明上述关联。And behind the photo stretches a long history of inspired neuroscientific deductions and equally inspired mistakes, all aiming to illuminate just that link.

经验确证的方法、假说—演绎法、理论结构的逻辑分析方法是其主要的方法论源流。The methodological sources mainly are the experience confirming method, the hypothetical-deductive method, and the logical analysis method of theory structure.

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此研究以时间学作为理论基础,运用文献资料法、定义法和演绎法等研究方法,分别对田径运动训练时机的概念及其变化特征进行研究。Based on the time science, it study on the concepts and basic characters of athletics training opportune moment by the methods of documentary, definition and deduction.

以南桐煤矿典型突出事故为例,用演绎法探讨了突出激发与发生的条件。Based on a typical outburst accident occurred in Nantong mine, the conditions for excitation and occurrence of coal and gas outburst are investigated by deductive method.

如果对于演绎法这种向后追究,最后追究到行为元范而尚未在这个推理连锁中发现一个错误的环节,那麽,这个定理就已充分确定了。But if this regressive process of deduction ends at the category of action without having discovered a vicious link in the chain of reasoning, the theorem is fully confirmed.