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你在飘飞,你在奔波。Thou dost float and run.

大哥继续奔波于各大慈善事业Jackie Continues Charitable Work

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追梦人日夜劳苦奔波。Dream toil day and night to run around.

政治家们将在欧洲大陆上来往奔波。Statesmen will crisscross the Continent.

他奔波于家与公司之间。He runs between his home and his company.

也许现在的我更应该为我的钱途而奔波了。I even don't know what I really want to get.

但是我,我总是在奔波,她却无法在我身旁。And yet, I am always going, and she cannot follow.

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他们河曲回奔波在一系列的曲线。They meander back and forth in a series of curves.

她一直奔波于世界各地。She's been traipsing back and forth across the world.

你各处奔波以填饱你孩子的嘴,但食物却很少。You toil to fill the mouths of your, but food is scarce.

他们总是在奔波忙碌,没有闲情逸致去玩乐器或写诗词。They were too busy to play the fiddle or write pieces of poetry.

但大部分缅甸人仍旧为生计奔波劳累的农民。But most of Myanmar’s people still toil away as subsistence farmers.

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悉德·拉佛西,今年11月将年满91岁,他依旧在布里斯托尔的工厂里忙碌奔波。Syd Lovesy, who runs the factory in Bristol, will be 91 in November.

至于我,还是学生,也是迟早会为了工作奔波。For me, I'm still a student and sonner or later running about my job.

为艺术,我将情愿不停地在艺海中奔波。It can be that I am destined to struggle endlessly in the sea of art.

王小早奔波在城市里,她一天做四户人家的钟点工。Wang run early in the city, she did four households part-time one day.

旅行对于孩子来说是一种教育的享受,对成年人来说是一种奔波的体验。Traver is an education for the young , and an experience for the adult.

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总是会有某些工作是你必须奔波忙碌的。There'll always be certain tasks that you'll just have to drudge through.

经过了大半个月的奔波,她终于找到了一份责任编辑的工作。After half a month of travel, she finally found a responsible editor work.

于是这九十多岁的老人,每天奔波于山上和收购所。The nonagenarian elderly, spends his days in the mountain and acquisition.