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转移你的股息。Move your dividends.

现在的股息税税率是多少呢What's the tax rate of dividends today?

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这三家银行都将取消股息。All three will have any dividends cancelled.

财政法中的一览表,在此表中列出对股息的征税。You can check the list of duty-free articles.

董事会会上推荐股息数每股10便士。The board meeting recommend a dividend of 10p a share.

新濠国际董事会未提议派发中期股息,与2009年一致。As in 2009, the board didn't recommend a first-half dividend.

扣去了所有的费用和股息,它就是最终的净值。After all expenses and dividend, this is the final net figure.

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但经过90年代之后,股市市值变得过高,企业也削减股息,降低了投资者回报。Companies also pared dividends, cutting into investor returns.

到本世纪为止,高股息市场的发展最为迅猛。High-dividend markets have also performed best so far this century.

指应课税的收入,例如利息、股息或是薪金在发放时被扣下的税款。Tax deducted at source on interest or dividend payments to investors.

今年春天餐饮公司的股息问题成为一种时尚。Dividends from food and beverage companies are in fashion this spring.

我在股市做得很好。希望股息有四位数。I did well in the stock market. I'm looking at 4-figures in dividends.

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保证持股人优先领取股息的股票。Stock whose holders are guaranteed priority in the payment of dividends.

而谈到股票,在支付高额股息的同时同样有可能大幅下挫。Stocks, on the other hand, can fall hard even when they pay high dividends.

公司还将2009年度股息从2008年的每股0.49欧元减至每股0.25欧元。It has also cut the dividend from €0.49 per share for 2008 to €0.25 for 2009.

报道称西班牙国际银行目前的股息仍然为每股约60美分。The dividend will remain at about 60 cents per share, he said in the statement.

股息收入或者资本利得收入,适用的税率是完全不同的Dividend income or capital gains income in the stock market is taxed differently.

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与科斯在多领域竞争的惠普公司,支付股息为百分之0.8。Hewlett-Packard Co. , which competes with Cisco in many fields, pays 0.8 percent.

该怎样向国外汇寄其利润与股息和从国外汇回资本?How does a company remit its profits and dividends and repatriate capital abroad?

基准是价格回报指数,因此不包括已再投资股息。The benchmark is a price return index that does not include reinvested dividends.