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这是一个所有游吟诗人必学的把戏。A must-have cantrip for all Bards.

歌手吉他也被称为游吟诗人。Singers to guitar are also called bards.

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啊?那你刚才是在吟诗啊?Really? Were you reciting a poem just now?

人类恐怕是最好的游吟诗人种族。Human is probably the best race for a Bard.

是在一张摄影画面里,还是在一位游吟诗人的歌唱里?Is it in a photograph, or a dashboard poet's song?

双鱼座干脆跳过步骤,直接对月吟诗去了。Pisces skips the whole thing to compose poetry to the Moon.

但是在这个深红色的卧室里面根本没有所谓的游吟诗人。But inside the bedroom's crimson confines there is no trace of The Bard.

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看,张秀才正和一帮朋友在树下吟诗呢!Look, Xiucai Zhang is chanting poems with a group of friends under the tree.

他是古希腊游吟诗人、哲学家和教育家。He is an ancient Greek poet of excursion poems, a philosopher and an educationalist.

领主嫉愤难当,杀死了那名行吟诗人,并把诗人的心给他妻子吃。In a jealous rage the lord killed the troubadour and served his wife the man's heart.

吟诗吟诗,我幽绿的心里啊,落满了刚刚从云里采摘的,天使之泪!Poems poems, my green heart ah, covered with just picked from the cloud, angel tears!

我奔跑着穿越时光隧道,啊,我的心呀,在你的战车里,行吟诗人在舞蹈。I run through time and, O my heart, in your chariot dances the poet who sings while he wanders.

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他所追求和倡导的“清峭”诗风,代表了晚唐苦吟诗人共同的审美趋向。His fresh and vigorous style of poetry pursuit represents the same aesthetic tendency in Late Tang.

然而,精明的游吟诗人可以只靠讯息术这个把戏就可以一直达到这个效果。Meanwhile, canny Bards have been able to do this the whole time simply by using the Message cantrip.

有一次她的丈夫外出打仗,一位年轻的游吟诗人来到她家里,两人成了好朋友。Once her husband to go out to fight a young Troubadour came to her home, the two became good friends.

真爱不需要通过花言巧语或吟诗作对去证明,行动才手机最好的证明。You don't need to be a sweet-talker or even a poet to prove that your love is true. Your actions will do it for you.

还有人往阿勒河里扎猛子,游到筋疲力尽,便躺在河边厚厚的草上吟诗诵赋。Others dive in the Aare. After swimming until exhausted, they lie in the thick grass along the river and read poetry.

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相反,科恩精心制作了一集叙事体的作品,这为他能与鲍勃·迪伦相提并论为游吟诗人增加了筹码。Instead, Cohen crafted a collection of narrative efforts that enhanced his claims to be a troubadour to rival Bob Dylan.

那么在游吟诗人歌唱的时候,记着你的旧日朋友吧,也别忘了洒一滴清泪,无论歌谣唱起唱毕。Still as a ballad hummed and lost, remember early friend and drop a tear if a troubadour that strain may chance to sing.

如果我们讨论爱情,你可能会给我吟诗作赋,但你从未有看着一个女人,觉得自己那样地脆弱。If I asked you about love, you'd probably quote me a sonnet, but you've never looked at a woman and been totally vulnerable.