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如今人人都佩带胸卡。We all wear IDs now.

他佩带上他的剑。He girded his sword on.

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歌手身上佩带贴身传声筒。The singer was body-miked.

他们都佩带着随身武器。They all carried side arms.

那警察佩带着手枪。The policeman wore a pistol.

那位军官佩带着一枚徽章。The officer was wearing a medal.

这儿的工人必须佩带徽章。The workers here must be badged.

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他们通常不佩带手枪。They donot normally carry firearms.

将军走了进来,他的胯部佩带着一柄手枪。The general came in,hipping a pistol.

在厂区内未佩带识别证者。Not wearing ID badge in the factory area.

每个学生都应该佩带校徽。Every student should carry a school badge.

佩带着剑使他的行动受到妨碍。Wearing a sword embarrassed his movements.

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我计划去考取一个佩带水肺潜水的证书。I'm planning to get a scuba diving licence.

他左胸前佩带着一张名牌。He was wearing a nameplate on his left breast.

是勇士们赢来了勋章,只不过由我们佩带罢了。Is the warriors to win MEDALS, but by us to wear.

饰物是作为垂链或鼻环佩带的。The ornaments were worn as pendants or nose rings.

佩带防护风镜或经许可的安全眼镜。Wear protective goggles or approved safety glasses.

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不要佩带贵重首饰或挑逗性穿着。Don't wear expensive jewelry or dress provocatively.

帕督安妇女常常佩带黄铜颈环。Padaung women are often fitted with brass neck rings.

所以你佩带的不仅是一个手表,还是承载着一个人生。So you wear is not only a watch, but carrying a life.