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害怕垂死。Of dying.

我很害怕。I'm scared.

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医管局,我害怕。Ha, scared me.

我很害怕。I was so scared.

他们很害怕。They are afraid.

我们都害怕时间!We all fear time!

天哪,我害怕极了。God, I was scared.

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它使我感到害怕。It made me scared.

但是我很害怕。But I am so afeard.

我看着里奇奥,他显得很害怕。I looked at Riccio.

我将不再害怕。I will be unafraid.

你可害怕寒风凛冽?Do You Fear the Wind?

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这总是使他害怕。It always scared him.

不要害怕!Just don't be scared!

人们非常害怕。People are so scared.

她害怕得发抖。She quaked with fear.

但是笨笨不害怕小袋鼠。But Lumpy is not scary.

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铁钩船长虎克很害怕。Captain Hook is afraid.

她是多么地害怕!How frightened she was!

我又开始感到害怕。I feel beginning sacre.