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成为“拼画”或“织锦”Becoming a “Mosaic” or “Tapestry”

沙发上铺上了华贵的织锦。The sofa was covered with expensive brocade.

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提花的织锦面料设计性感的夜晚。The broche fabrics of jacquard weave designs sexy night.

斗篷用白线与一件白色织锦礼服缝合在一起。It is lined with white and worn over a white brocaded gown.

当画作完成后,再给它镶上织锦的丝边。When the painting is done, it is mounted on a brocaded silk border.

于是,你把春蚕的精神汲取,让祖国披上美丽的织锦。So, you learn spirit, so that put a beautiful tapestry of the motherland.

此后,何瑞克宁所织的织锦上常带几分这种新色彩的成分。After this, Arachne's tapestries always showed some touch of the new colour.

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审美眼光和技巧的高低制约着织锦工艺水平。Aesthetic taste and the level of technic refrains the handicraftTujia brocade.

另一件博物馆,织锦画廊则用墙饰来讲图片故事。Another museum, the Gallery of Tapestries tells picture stories in wall hangings.

人文资源主要有黎族织锦、崖州民歌、大安剪纸和黄流花灯。Human resources are the brocade, folk cliff, Daan paper-cut and Huangliu lantern.

所以,今天的土家织锦与传统织锦相比,已经发生了很大的变化。So , today's baldachin, compared with those in the old days , has greatly changed.

事实上,美国现在常常被描述为拼画或织锦。In fact, it has become common to describe the United States as a mosaic or a tapestry.

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倘若从拼画上取下一片或织锦上抽去一丝,这个作品就会被破坏。If you remove one piece from the mosaic or one thread from the tapestry, you destroy it.

绒圈锦又称起绒锦、起毛锦,是汉代新出现的一个织锦品种。Pile-loop Ikat, also called napped ikat or terry ikat, was originated in the Han Dynasty.

这给人类在所有血统和所有祖先织锦之中构建了一个绝灭周期。This set up humanity for an extinction cycle across all lineages and tapestry of ancestries.

在一幅拼画或一块织锦中,每个颜色都是独特的,并且是物件整体美的组成部份。In a mosaic or a tapestry, each color is distinct and adds to the overall beauty of the object.

推开织锦锻面的椅子,你象异国公主般让人迷恋。Push the chair of broche forge face, your elephant lets person infatuation like exotic princess.

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包含多种面料的衣服,比如说消光黑色和金属光泽织锦的搭配,是鸡尾酒会的上上之选。Look for dresses that incorporate more than one like a black with a metallic for an updated cocktail look.

第一章描述了叶家寨的自然环境、叶氏来源和与织锦相关的文化因素。The first chapter describes Yejiazai's natural surroundings, origin of Ye people and relevant culture factors.

苗族刺绣等手工艺品、蜡染、织锦、首饰、色彩尤为适宜。Miao handicrafts such as their embroidery batik brocade and jewellery are particularly colourful and desirable.