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而他们都是常客。They are all regular guests.

好多次了。我是这里的常客。Dozens of times. I'm a regular.

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他们中的一些人是常客。Some of them were very regular.

常客令人厌。久住非佳宾,常来不欢迎。A constant guest is never welcome.

我们是那家饭店的常客。We are the familiar of that hotel.

我可以使用我的飞机常客优惠卡吗?Can I use my frequent flyer mileage?

不用说,她是这里的常客。It is no doubt she is a frequenter here.

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我们是中国大使馆的常客…We are familiars of the Chinese Embassy.

古得曼先生是我们的常客。Mr Goodman is a regular customer of ours.

出色的声音,超红的歌曲,排行榜的常客。Strong voice, super songs and charts success.

我们是那家饭店的常客。We are frequent customers of that restaurant.

电影观众我和女友是电影院的常客。My girlfriend and I are habitual cinema-goers.

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水波蛋是西式早餐的常客。Poached egg is usually seen in western breakfast.

他是比尔和玛琪家的常客。He was a frequent visitor in Marge and Bills home.

但是常客们说这事儿其实也未必靠谱儿。But frequent fliers say there is some unpredictability.

我们是常客,你应该处理得更好才对。We are regulars here, you should handle it much better.

我是这咖啡馆的常客。"Maxwell House" instant coffee--- good to the last drop.

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溘然,邮差成了艾米家的常客。Suddenly the postman was a regular at the Hagadorn house.

突然,邮差成了艾米家的常客。Suddenly the postman was a regular at the Hagadorn house.

10年前退休后,他就成了健身房的常客。He has been a regular gym-goer since he retired 10 years ago.