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在这儿她生活幸福得多,尽管是由贫弱的亲戚关系和依靠他们的施舍维系。Here she was much happier, despite being the poor relation, dependent on charity.

容闳回国后,看到了清政府的腐朽落后和国家的贫弱。面对现实,他忧国忧民。But he returned only to find a poverty-striken country with a corrupted government.

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紧急救援计划在2005年为照顾120多万名孤儿和贫弱儿童提供了支持。PEPFAR supported care for more than 1.2 million orphaned and vulnerable children in 2005.

他们寄生在这片缺乏规制的国土上,贫弱的索马里对它无可奈何。Like a parasite, it feeds on the absence of order and Somalia is too weak to shake it off.

CSF贫弱会给驾驶、阅读以及其它很多方面带来困难。Poor CSF makes it difficult for people to drive, read, and perform a variety of other functions.

因遭受犯罪行为侵害而成为孤、弱、病、残者,成为贫弱者的被害人不在少数。A great number of victims aggrieved by criminal activities became widowed, weak, ill, and disabled.

在马可来看,这位先驱者的生命是非常贫弱的,没有新的细节可以收集。From St. Mark, whose account of the Precursor's life is very meagre , no new detail can be gathered.

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确保贫弱儿童有接受教育和培训以及得到医护和其他服务的机会。Ensuring that vulnerable children have access to education, training, health care and other services.

他在年轻的时候就将自己的一生都献给了基督教并因慷慨地为贫弱之人捐献礼物而闻名。Having devoted his entire life to Christianity at a young age, Nicholas became known for his generous gifts to the poor.

六个月前,当海水铸成的高墙压向这些渔民和农民家庭时,许多人眼看着他们贫弱的生计被冲走。When walls of seawater came crashing down on these vulnerable fishing and farming families six months ago, many saw their meagre livelihoods washed away.

从1994年到2007年,南山村共兼并周围贫弱村落33个,极大地推动了小区域内村落终结的步伐。From 1994 to 2007, about 33 poor villages around Nanshan been annexed by Nanshan, has greatly promoted the pace of the end of the village in a small region.

西部大开发在文化方面存在一个显著的矛盾,即西部人文资源丰富与人文精神相对贫弱的矛盾。An obvious contradiction exists in the culture in the development of western regions. It is its rich humanism resources and relatively poor humanistic spirit.

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美国的社会保障网络是富裕国家中最为贫弱的社会保障网络之一,但增加失业补助金的政策却位列其最新的经济刺激计划之中。In America, which has one of the lowest social safety nets in the rich world, extending unemployment benefits was, rightly, part of the recent stimulus package.

和平进程的曲折道路以往总是以美国的理念甚至是美国的计划终结,贫弱的领导者、巨大的分歧以及痛苦的决定基本上明确了这一点。The arc of this peace process was always going to end with American ideas or even a U.S. plan. Weak leaders, big gaps, and painful decisions all but ensured it.

实际上,西魏能够由三国中最为贫弱的国家,一跃而为三国中最具优势的国家,与侯景之乱有极大关系。In fact, the Western Wei Dynasty to the most vulnerable from the three countries, leaped to the most advantage for the three countries, and Hou Rebellion great relationship.

目前,不论国际,还是国内,我们都面临着一些很严肃的问题,比如,如何解释联邦的预算和怎样救助欠发达国家的贫弱儿童等问题。These days, we still have very serious issues, both worldwide and domestic like how to elucidate the federal budget and how to aid the emaciated children in undeveloped countries.

通过加强地方一级的关键性项目,国际社会能够确保孤儿和贫弱儿童得到他们所需的照料、支持和保护。By strengthening critical programs at the local level, the international community can ensure that orphaned and vulnerable children receive the care, support and protection they need.

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由于中国作为一个资源丰富的贫弱帝国以及在战略地位上的重要性,对西方列强而言,它们对东亚侵略的矛头主要是针对中国,因而对日本的压力就相对减弱了。China that had rich resources and importance of strategy was a poor and weak empire, and the western powers invaded chiefly China in East Asia, so their pressure on Japan had lessened.

总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德和意大利总理马里奥·蒙蒂在罗马开会后说,欧盟必须行动起来使贫弱国家免于承受货币市场上的过大压力。After talks in Rome, President Francois Hollande and the Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti said the EU must act to shield weaker economies from the unbearable pressure in money markets.

国家命运论战的前阶段关注的是中国是否应当向外伸手获取知识以治疗其贫弱之症,还是向内背离那个技术先进却乌烟瘴气的世界。The previous stages of the national-destiny debate asked whether China should reach outward for knowledge to rectify its weakness or turn inward, away from an impure if technologically stronger world.