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客户意思是用圆筒配纸版呢还是纸版种类?Diameter of the tube and what kind of Cardboard ?

纸版的儿童图书与电子书相比有很大的优势。Paper books for children have an enormous advantage over e-books.

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读纸版书的感觉与在屏幕上读书的感觉是很不同的。Reading a paper book is rather different from reading a book on the screen.

在不到一年的时间里,伦敦就到处充斥着失业的年轻人,并且被选为纸版城。Within a year, London was full of young homeless people and Cardboard City was erected.

旧的纸版航海日志的优点将被组合在计算机的功能中。The advantages of the old paper logbook should be combined with the power of a computer.

我们的读者现在可以阅读纸版、或通过电脑和手机阅读电讯报。Our readers can now follow the Telegraph in print, on their computers and on their mobile phones.

对孩子们来说,一本印刷精美的纸版书不仅是一本书也是一个玩具。For children, a beautifully printed paper book is not only a book but also a toy they can play with.

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用于纸张上光,印铁上光,纸张贴膜及各种装纸版贴膜。Used for paper coating, printing iron glazing, paper, foil and all kinds of equipment paperboard foil.

在电子书业务中,图书出版商仍然沿用纸版书时代的比例提取他们的版税,相当于纸版书零售价的一半。Book publishers will still retain their traditional cut of every e-book sale — about half the hardcover retail list price.

收据当场通过e-mail邮寄,或者,如果顾客要求,那么一个纸版的收据从展示台下的打印机中打印出来。Receipts are e-mailed on the spot or, if the customer prefers, a paper version emerges from printers hidden underneath display tables.

如今订阅纸版报纸的人越来越少,这是大家都很清楚的,出版公司也很纳闷读者都躲到什么地方去了。SUBSCRIBERS to print newspapers have gone missing, as everyone knows. Book publishers are also wondering where readers have disappeared to.

从这些厚纸版上可以看到,午夜时分,戴假发、穿着优雅的人们将数麻袋的粪便小心翼翼地从乔治城的房屋里移走。The cards show men in wigs and elegant clothes discreetly carrying away sacks of excrement from Georgian townhouses in the middle of the night.

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有点像Google出现35年前的纸版Google,杂志很理想主义,充满了巧妙的工具和独到的理念。It was sort of like Google in paperback form 35 years before Google came along. It was idealistic, overflowing with neat tools and great notions.

本机适用于皮革、塑胶、帆布、尼龙、纸版及各种合成材料一层或数层的成型裁断。The machine is suitable for leather, plastic, canvas, nylon, cardboard and various kinds of synthetic materials in one layer or cutting of layers.

iPad可能会加速从纸版到数字板内容的转变,加剧媒体行业短期阵痛。The iPad will probably accelerate the shift away from printed matter towards digital content, which could worsen the industry’s pain in the short term.

主要用在纸版、术材、铸造、耐火材料工业中作粘合剂、以及制皂业的填充料和防水剂等。The product may be used as bonding agent for paperboard, wood, casting and refractory material, also as filler for soap and waterproof material and etc.

铺在地上的拼图、报章上深奥的填字游戏、纸版游戏、电视问答节目——在在都显示我们心中有一种解答疑难的倾向。Puzzles on the floor, crossword stumpers in our newspapers, board games, television game shows-all give evidence that something in us wants to figure things out.

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新的大号包含1,900多种按色系顺序排列的纸版色票集中在一本方便的手册中,提供更佳视觉效果,方便色彩评估和沟通。Over 1,900 paper chips chromatically arranged by color family in one single volume. New larger size format provides greater visualization for evaluating and communicating.

中文翻译英文。我收到的只有图纸,纸版图纸和电子版图纸对照后没有差别,如果有技术协议,最…I receive only drawings, a grown-up drawings and electronic controlled after drawing, if there is no difference between technical agreement, best again and drawing comparisons.