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“可能是接受,也可能是退稿,”我说。"Could be an acceptance or a rejection, " I said.

如须退稿,请附足回程邮资和信封。If demanded, please add adequate postage and envelops.

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大部分作家经历无数次的退稿才守得云开,作品得到发表。Most writers endure a number of rejections before being published.

我把信胡乱塞进鼓鼓囊囊的文件夹,和别的退稿信一起。I shoved the rejection in my overstuffed file with the rest of them.

据传说,他收到出版商的退稿信堆起来有五英尺高。It's said that he received the rejection slip letter more than five feet high.

据传说,他收到出版商的退稿信堆起来有五英尺高。It is said that his rejection letters reached a height of 5 inches if piled up.

据传说,他收到出版商的退稿信堆起来有五英尺高。It is said that the reject letters from the publisher to him was stacked five feets high.

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据传说,他收到出版商的退稿信堆起来有五英尺高。According to other information he received the letters that be withdrawed has five feets tall.

本刊一律不退稿,两个月内未见采用,作者稿件可自行处理。The author is kindly informed to dispose in case no notice of adoption is received in two months.

根据同行的审阅评语,编辑将发表论文或者退稿。Depending on the comments received, the editor would accept the paper for publication or decline it.

当我最初完成它的时候,我被告知这个故事对读者来说太沉重,于是它被退稿了。When I first finished writing it, I was told the story was too heavy for readers, and it was rejected.

我的确讨厌感恩节,但除了被退稿和属于正常的一阵不满以外还有许多事情。I did loathe Thanksgiving, but there was a lot more going on here than rejections and a normal hissy fit.

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科技期刊编辑素养充分体现在初审退稿工作以及退稿信的写作中。The qualities of sci-tech periodical editors are fully reflected in the letter of manuscript rejection and preliminary reviewing.

本刊一律不退稿,两个月内未见采用,作者稿件可另行处理。No returning of scripture is available, the author is kindly informed to dispose in case no notice of adoption is received in two months.

玛丽·瑞瑙特自言8岁开始写作,在牛津时发表过几首诗,并尝试出版第一本小说,但遭遇退稿。Miss Renault said she began writing when she was 8 years old, and while at Oxford published several verses and tried to sell her first novel.

自从有了博客,心中便不再那么凄凉,看看以往日积月累的文章退稿,俨然一个坟场,信心大损。Ever since the blog, in the heart then no longer so miserable, look at past rejection, accumulated the peremptory a cemetery, confidence big loss.

推理侦探小说家约翰•克雷西没成名以前,连续七百四十三次收到退稿,而现在他的书已经出版超过六百万本了。Would-be crime novelist John Creasey received an unbroken succession of 743 rejection slips. Over sixty million of his books have now been published.

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修改加工、划版校对、退稿处理等,则是一种实践活动,是编辑工作的第三个层面。Correction and improvement, page setup and proofreading, or rejection of the manuscript are all practical activities that constitute the third level of editing.

署名是科幻年选的编辑,起首语是我的名字——这开头依然能让我感到一丝温暖,哪怕经历了这么多年的退稿。The letter was signed by the editor of Analog Science Fiction and was addressed to me, personally, which still gave me a warm feeling after all those years of form rejections.

在我的办公室里有一面奖牌,它宣称我是“没有未来的作家”,因为在参加那次会议的全部作家中,从重量上来比较,我收到的退稿信是最多的。I have a trophy in my office proclaiming me to be “The Writer with No Future” because I could produce more rejection slips by weight than any other writer at an entire conference.