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他的书被减缩刊出在一本公众的杂志上。His book was abbreviated and appeared in a public magazine.

基叔的全方位采访报道将在本周的利物浦周刊中刊出。The full Kyrgiakos interview is in this week's LFC Weekly magazine.

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这次报道刊出后,在社会上产生了不小的反响。The publishing of this report has evoked great repercussions in society.

你那篇关于人类文明起源的论文下个月就能刊出。Your thesis on the origin of human civilization will come out next month.

几天后,有报纸刊出了他勇斗劫匪的报道。Several days later, some newspaper carried a story of his heroic deed on the bus.

当然了,他也授权我刊出几福照片作为我的个人工作室的广告!Surely, he authorized me to put these sample as ADs for my personal photo-studio.

刊出几年间机场实用试验数据。The real experimental data for airport applications in recent years are also presented.

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据美国医学协会杂志刊出的论文指出,这种继续筛查的理由各式各样。The reasons for continued screening varied, according to the article published in JAMA.

刊出部分化石图版,简述双壳类化石组合特征。In addition, a brief account is also given on the characteristics of fossil bivalve assemblages.

一个简短的招呼跟有声书的更新。新的博客将于明日刊出,不过请同时享用这个吧!A quick hello and an audio book update. Written blog coming tomorrow, but enjoy this one in the meantime!

广告内容如本公司认为不便刊登,将有权删改或停止刊出。Our company has rights to change or cancel the contents that are not suitable to publish in our magazine.

报导刊出几天后,他告诉班上,几位民调专家出面质疑这项调查的可靠性。A few days after publication, he told the class, several polling experts came forward to challenge the survey.

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接着报纸上又刊出了城防司令部严禁军人殴打学生的布告。Next, the local press carried an order by the city's garrison commander forbidding soldiers to strike students.

你写信给编者时,一定要签上名。负责的出版物是不会刊出一封匿名信的。When you write a letter to the editor, be sure to sign it. Responsible publications will not print anonymous letters.

计算2005年意外的氚排放并在2005年放射性流出物排放报告中刊出声明。Calculated inadvertent tritium released for 2005 and put a statement into the 2005 Radioactive Effluent Release Report.

目前的已刊出的文献中,钙化的小细胞还是不常见甚至是少见。Review of the present literature shows that reported cases of calcified small cell lung cancer are uncommon and still rare.

同时心被恩感又写了「恩感录」二十五篇,在「文宣」双月刊连载刊出。Also in order to thank God for His grace I wrote twenty-five articles of thanksgiving which are being published in a bimonthly.

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当报上刊出了嘲弄哈利·波特和邓布利多的报导后,巫师世界的大多数人都相信了他们读到的。When the Prophet published stories deriding Harry Potter and Dumbledore, most people in the Wizarding World believed what they read.

死的时候他的一本书刚出版,一篇评论在一本发行量很大的杂志上发表了,一篇小说也很快在一本著名的杂志上刊出。He died with a book newly released, an essay in the current issue of a popular journal, a story to appear shortly in a well-known magazine.

当地时间上午八点五十,社会媒体上刊出照片,显示一辆大卡车倒在高速路之下的支路上。Photographs posted on social media just after the accident at 8.50am local time showed a large truck lying on its side way below the highway.