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但是工程进度迟缓,而且耗资巨大。But progress is slow and expensive.

你的计划是不切合实际的,因为它被证实耗资太大。Your plan fell down when it proved too costly.

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在前往哈尔滨站途中购买食品,耗资5.00元。Bought food in the way to Harbin station, costed ¥5.00.

现在,让我们看一下关于白利度造成耗资的影响因素。Now let us look at some cost implications related to Brix.

医疗保险还需耗资数十亿美元来支付靶向放疗吗?Should Medicare spend billions to pay for targeted radiation?

分析人士预计,两条天然气输送管路将耗资数十亿英镑。Analysts estimate the 2 gas pipelines will cost billions of pounds.

巴西耗资无数,仍然无法解决贫民窟的问题。Brazil spends trillions and can't solve the problem of the favelas.

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由于工程浩大,持续了数年,耗资万金。The construction lasted several years and cost a large sum of money.

现在,这个耗资达80万美金的伦敦2012年动画标志要重新设计了。The 800, 000-dollar London 2012 animation is now slated for a reedit.

这些警察都接受过美国一个耗资数百万美元的项目的训练。The deployment of the police, trained under a multi-million dollar U.

上海已经于周五向世界亮出了耗资数十亿美元的世博会的面纱。Shanghai unveils to the world on Friday its multi-billion dollar Expo.

整座大学城的建成耗资25亿人民币。The total cost of building the whole college town will be 2.5 billion yuan.

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海底世界共耗资2700万新元建成,于1991年开放。The underwater world total cost of 27 million dollars built in the 1991 Open.

据估计,这项计划的全部耗资将达到数千亿美元。Total costs for the plan are estimated in the hundreds of billions of dollars.

但到了世纪中叶,部分由于耗资巨大的战争,泡沫破裂了。Then at midpoint of the century, partly because of a draining war, the bubble burst.

耗资35亿欧元的MTG是欧洲未来十年空间活动中的旗舰项目之一。The 3.5bn-euro MTG is one of Europe's flagship space endeavours of the coming decade.

据说是当地4兄弟为84岁的父亲所建,耗资百万。It's said to have been built by 4 brothers for their 84-year-old father, costing RMB1m.

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因为大规模战争耗资越来越高,战争税在二十世纪有所提高。War taxation expanded in the twentieth century as major wars became even more expensive.

大公司往往耗资数万元来设计展现自己品牌的标志。Big corporate logos that need to represent a brand can cost tens of thousands of dollars.

澳大利亚矿业公司必和必拓已经表示,不会卷入耗资巨大的竞购战。Anglo-Australian miner BHP has said it would not be caught up in an expensive bidding war.