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两颗相爱的心之彩虹堂古装间不需要言语。No words are nece ary between two loving hearts.

她特别喜欢这本画满了古装粉黛的画册。She likes this picture book of ancient beauties.

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又或是喜欢德里克·雅克比和伊恩·麦凯伦主演的古装喜剧?Or a period-piece comedy with Derek Jacobi and Ian McKellan?

又一个同样穿着古装的年轻男子说道。Another similarly dressed in ancient costumes young man said.

道士为什么穿古装,蓄头发?Why do Taoist monks keep long hair, and wear ancient costumes?

我们去参加一个万圣节化装舞会,人人都身着古装。We went to a Halloween party where everyone wore ancient costume.

我感觉就是看一群现代人穿着古装在表演而已。I just see a group of modern people wearing ancient costumes and performing.

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你可以在当地商场里与身着古装的玛雅妇女比肩接踵去购物。Shop in local markets and rub shoulders with Maya women in ancestral dresses.

齐、梅合作,创造出“梅派古装新戏”的京剧舞台演出新风格。They two jointly created a new style of "New Operas Played in Classic Costumes".

院门口还有几个脑袋瓜子正往院里瞧,都是一身古装长衫,窄袖。Institute at several melon head heading home look, is a costume gown, narrow sleeve.

布兰朵4岁时开端为让。保罗。高缇耶的春天跑道做古装模特。Blondeau entered the modeling world at 4! working Jean Paul Gaultier's spring runway. Now!

歌手在以京剧表演者、古装演员和舞者为背景的舞台上闪耀。The singer sparkled against a backdrop of Peking Opera performers, martial artists and dancers.

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与古装错误分歧,职场杀手会给你的职业抽象带来永远性的损害。Unlike a fashion faux pas, a career killer outfit can do your professional image permanent damage.

“是啊,姑娘真是厉害呢,掉到水里还能睡得着”。一个穿着古装的年轻男子笑道。" Yes, the girl is really tough, fell into the water and sleep". Wearing a costume young man laughs.

萨科齐涉嫌接受了年老体弱的莉莉亚娜·贝当古装有现金的信封。Sarkozy is suspected of accepting cash stuffed envelope from the frail and aging Liliane Bettencourt.

“姑娘,你醒了,大伙以为姑娘你还要再睡会呢”。一个穿着古装的大妈边说边往榻边走来。" Girl, you wake up, they think that girl you will sleep". Wearing a costume of aunt said to couch while walking.

言情、侦探、恐怖、艳情、古装、武侠等类型成为上海电影市场的主控形态。The genres such as romance, detective, horror, steamy, historical and swordsman dominated the film market in Shanghai.

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一只画笔饱蘸了颜料后快速地在画纸上画着,一个古装舞姬的身影渐渐成形。A paintbrush dipped full of ink draws quickly across the stretched canvas, the figure of an ancient dancer is slowly formed.

首尔“水下韩服时装展”上,一名穿着古装韩服的模特在水箱内表演着,韩国。A model wearing a traditional Korean hanbok performs in a water tank at the "Underwater Hanbok Fashion Show" in Seoul, South Korea.

且不说化妆师是否考虑过古装造型的问题,单看女主们的妆容,也的确够漂亮的。Not to mention the makeup is considered the ancient style of problem, look at the female owners makeup, is indeed beautiful enough.