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可在线维修。In-line repairability.

维修成本和备件价格较高。Cost of maintance is high.

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你的车已维修好,可以来提车了。Your car is ready to pick up.

每一支维修队都有自己的厨师。Each brigade has its own cook.

可维修的2件式阀杆驱动。Repairable 2-piece stem drive.

售后维修、保养。Post-sale service, maintenance.

新一代热风枪可应用在汽车维修!Hot Air Guns for Auto Repairing.

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免费手机维修咨询!Free Quotation for Mobile Repair!

麻烦请接客房维修部门。House-keeping department, please.

汽车维修厂的利润很高。The garage has got a high profit.

我把电脑拿到一家维修店。I took it to a computer repair shop.

他们组成一组铁轨维修人员。They form a train track repair crew.

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你认为我们的车可维修吗?。Do you think our car is maintainable?

这个船坞是设计用来维修的。This dock was designed for repairing.

你是房屋维修公司的吗?。Are you from the House Repair Service?

管道式连接,安装维修方便。Easy installation due to in-line type.

大森热水器维修保养。Omori water heater repair maintenance.

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维修各种焊割设备。Hange maintenance of various equipment.

删除来自维修站的事件Removing events from maintenance depots

他学过很多汽牟维修的课程。He learned many car maintenance courses.