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收起你的匕首。Sheathe your dagger.

当心工作场所的“匕首”!Beware the workplace whinger!

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他高举出鞘的匕首。He bore aloft a drawn dagger.

他被刺了一匕首。He was stabbed with a dagger.

他把匕首剌入她的心脏。He thrust a dagger into her heart.

腰间挂着剑和匕首。At his hip hung a sword and dagger.

小流氓用匕首向我刺来。The hoodlum stabbed at me with a dagger.

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鸟类觉得很有道理,便背上匕首。Bird that makes sense, then back daggers.

九个,这个词像一把匕首捅进她的心窝。Nine. The word was a dagger in her heart.

那战士向敌人掷匕首。The soldier darted a dagger at his enemy.

火墙是元素使主手匕首技能。Flamewall is an elementalist dagger skill.

第二个房间收藏托普卡博匕首。The second room houses the Topkapi Dagger.

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他看到一把匕首插在他汽车的轮胎上。He saw a dagger sticking in his car's tyre.

凶手将匕首刺进他的心脏。The murderer dubbed a dagger into his heart.

而小小的匕首藏在她手心。And with a little pen-knife held in her hand.

那个球就像一把匕首刺中了他们的心脏…That shot kind of put a dagger right in them.

这把迈锡尼匕首已有3000多年的历史。This Mycenaean dagger is over 3000 years old.

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除了一柄式样别致的雕花匕首之外Apart from an interesting-looking carved dagger

幸好我避开了罪犯的匕首。Fortunately I warded off the criminal's dagger.

除了一柄式样别致、雕有花纹的匕首外。Apart from an interesting-looking carved dagger.