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其实,这是满心情愿的事情,只是心有余而力不足。In fact, it is full of the mood to do, just fall.

我只能说是心有余而力不足。I can only say that our ambition outstrips our ability.

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我很想去爬斯诺登山峰,不过我这个年纪的人已是心有余而力不足了。Snowdon but at my age the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

呵呵,心有余而力不足了吧?怎么不住学校呀?还要去什么地方玩?Oh, the heart is superabundant and weak? How not to live in the school? Going to play where?

可以说是心有余而力不足呀,主要因为当时根本没有渡海作战的能力。It can be said to be very difficult, mainly because we did not have the ability to cross-sea combat.

海豚虽然非常乐意助战,但是心有余而力不足,因为,他无论如何,都上不了岸。The dolphin, though quite willing to give him assistance, was unable to do so, as he could not by any means reach the land.

在你自身深受疾病折磨、随时可能崩溃时,要想帮别人是心有余而力不足。It is difficult to direct your energies toward helping other people when you feel as if your own life is stressed to the breaking point.

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如果欧元区真的崩溃了,IMF,这个能够收拾残局的机构,也会因为缺少资金和信用而心有余而力不足。If the euro then falls apart, the IMF, the one institution that could pick up the pieces, will lack both the cash and credibility to do the job.

若缺乏行之有效的政治改革,幸福经济指数必将“心有余而力不足”,唐昊在我们幸福指数系列的第二篇文章中写道。China's newfound focus on well-being will be useless without wider political reform, writes Tang Hao, as we continue our special series on happiness.

就像佛法希望普渡众生一样,看着亲友遭遇苦难,我也好希望可以帮到他们,却还是心有余而力不足。As Buddhism hope self-salvation, everytime when I see my friends and relatives suffer troubles, I hope I can help them, but the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak.