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夏令营?Summer camp?

我需要一些钱支付夏令营的费用。I need to some money to -summer camp.

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在夏令营,他结交了很多同年龄的好朋友。He made a lot of friends his age at camp.

上海儿童性教育夏令营无人问津。Shanghai kids' sexed camp fails to excite.

每年夏天我都当夏令营指导员Every summer I've worked as a camp counselor

学校放假了——学术夏令营来了。School’s out --- academic summer camp is in.

他们这周刚从ABCD夏令营回来。They just came this week from the ABCD Camp.

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我希望我可以去夏令营明年再次。I hope Ican go to summer camp again next year.

现而今,暑期夏令营则变得更为专向化。Nowadays, summer camp is even more specialized.

不过,我一般都是作为夏令营的辅导员参与项目的。But, usually I'm a camp counsellor, so, you know.

今年夏天,我本来是要参加自己最喜爱的夏令营的。This summer, I was supposed to go to my favorite camp.

祝大家在海门度过一个轻松、愉快的夏令营!Wish you a comfortable and pleasant summer camp in Haimen!

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我堂姊是夏令营的小队辅,可能可以请我堂姊跟你弟弟聊聊。My cousin is a camp counselor. Maybe she could talk to him.

今天是下夏至,所以啰,欢迎来到妮莎的夏令营!Today is summer solstice so welcome to Nisha's summer camp!

他看起来太炙手了,夏令营的女孩子都喜欢跟他打情骂俏。He looks so hot, all the girls hit on him at the summer camp.

许多年龄很小的孩子参加我们的夏令营,我们一起住在木屋里,Little kids come in the summer, we all live in cabins together,

亲爱的上帝,今年请把迪尼斯·克拉克送到另一个夏令营去吧。Dear God, Please send Dennis Clar to a different camp this year.

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他是第一个完善了少年棒球夏令营活动条例的人。He developed the first rules for a summer boys' baseball program.

这次夏令营真实的生活体验令我永远难忘。This camp as a real life-changing experience that I ill never forget.

我爸妈想送他去夏令营,但他却不肯去。My parents want to send him to summer camp, but he doesn't want to go.