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一条双向道,有来有往,引申为互相忍让。It has to be a two-way street.

“不要说谎”也可以引申为“不掩饰真相”。“Never lie” also can be extended as “Don’t mask truths.

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在这里,它是引申为“专用”的意思。也就是说四楼只用于开会。The whole of the fourth floor is used for conference only.

这也就很自然引申到想象的乐趣。This extends naturally to the pleasures of the imagination.

她从所说的话里引申出一个完全是个人的意思。She extracted a completely personal meaning from what was said.

此后,从这个故事中引申出了鬼怪桃木之说。Since then, from this story come out of the ghost is said Mahogany.

人们把“元”和“旦”两个字结合起来,就引申为新年开始的第一天。When Yuan and Dan are combined, it means the first day of a New Year.

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现在我要从这个特例引申开来,扩展到一些真实的案例中去。Now, I want to be more general than this and talk about the real case.

人们根据这个故事引申出“克己奉公”这句成语。This story gave rise to the idiom "be wholeheartedly devoted to public duty."

即“对任何人的建议或陈述都说是的人”,所以引申为“唯唯是若的人”“好好先生”。A yesman is a man who always says "yes" to everybody's suggestion or statement.

方,引申为方正,人行为、品性正直无邪!Side, the idea was Founder, human behavior, character, integrity and innocence!

至于更多的细节性问题和引申不作为本文的讨论范畴。For more details on issues and does not serve to extend the scope of discussion.

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所有高迪的作品,不管表面上看起来多么的不羁,都是由内在规律引申出的。All of Gaudí's works, however outwardly unruly, proceed from internal discipline.

第二种新造词主要是通过词义的引申而形成的。The second kind of newly-coined words is formed by the extension of word meanings.

复合趋向补语的引申意义有其认知上的理据。The extensional meaning of compound directional complement has its cognitive basis.

习语是不能照字面意思理解、另有引申含义的词或短语。Idioms are words or phrases that cannot be understood literally, but are derivative.

将故障熵的概念引申为广义故障熵,并结合最小互熵原理,用于阐述诊断推理过程。Based on the principle of minimum cross-entropy, diagnostic entropy in broad sense i.

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最后,以大禹治水引申法治行政的基本框架。Finally, Dayu flood control extended the basic framework for the legal administration.

一朵核爆蘑菇云出现在本书精美的封面上,引申出强大的科学力量。The bomb that graces the cover of the book has come to stand for the power of science.

由于“存在”是客观的,于是进一步引申出“肯定、强调”义。For the "existence"is objective, so it can extend the meaning "affirmation", "emphasis".