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我希望我们能查清此事。I hope we can find out about it.

他们已查清了这个人是谁。They hawe find out who the man was.

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相信作案经过、作案动机很快能够查清。Believe the crime motive soon after, to identify.

1984年,又一次核查,查清桥上的石狮多达489头。In 1984, after a careful reexamination, the number became 489.

爆炸事件是否因炸弹或手榴弹引起还尚待查清。It is not clear if the explosions were caused by bombs or hand grenades.

中方已要求泰国、缅甸和老挝三国协助尽快查清情况。China has asked Thailand, Myanmar and the Laos to assist in verifying the case.

尼娜叫麦洛查清盖恩斯的身份,指示他负责所有杰米的工作任务。Nina has Milo research Gaines’ identity, putting him in charge of all Jamey’s projects.

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与此同时,达伟也叫来了律师,他要查清“阿雅”的真实身份!Meanwhile, da wei also called the lawyer, he shall ascertain "friendship" real identity!

“他不可能知道,妈妈,”比恩说,“至少要到我们查清谁为什么绑架了他们。"He can't know, Mother, " said Bean. "Not until we know who did the kidnappings and why.

明天我们将查清监狱经济以及那些外来物品是如何进入的,包括合法的和非法的。Tomorrow we'll be exploring prison economy and how purchases are made, both legal and illegal.

不过,法国警方一直未能查清斯帕贾利是否真是此案的策划者。However, the French police have been unable to ascertain whether indeed the case jali Spa planners.

对园林树木害虫进行了详细调查,查清齐市地区园林树木害虫共有6个目,23个科,55种。We investigated garden tree pests in Qiqihar city, and found 6 cohorts, 23 fcc-setcses and 55 species.

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他呼吁政府投入更多的力量来查清这两者之间是否有关联。He called on the government to put "more effort" into finding out whether there is a link to terrorism.

协会有责任查清申请是否满足有关条件。The association is responsible forascertaining that an application satisfies the relevant prerequisites.

查清了张家口地区沿坝林区的啮齿动物种类和分布。Woodland rodent species and distribution in highland Zhangjiakou district were investigated in the study.

确定瓦斯爆炸的爆源点是查清事故原因的关键。The key question of investigating mine gas exploding accident is to find out the start site of gas exploding.

阿方索说,2个分别为16和18岁的男青年被枪击打死,警方还没有查清开枪的动机。Two male teenagers, ages 16 and 18, were slain in the shooting and police still have no motive, Alfonso said.

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询问案件发现人和其它知情人,查清受害人的身份和有关案情发现情况。Enquire the discoverer and other insider tofind out the identity of the victim and the condition of related case.

明德恳求严世藩给他时间查清此事,于是严世藩给他们三天时间来解决此事。Mingde begged YanShiFan give him time to find out the matter, so YanShiFan give them three days to solve this matter.

目的查清应县地方性砷中毒病区的流行范围、分布特征和危害程度。Objective To investigate the epidemical range, the distribution features and the state of endemic arsenism in Ying County.