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你今年过年还回家吗?How did you get home?

过年了要忙年货。New Year New Year to be busy.

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今年过年依然不能回家。I still not go home this year.

我称之为“过年大移民”。I call it as "Migration-trends."

人们过年习惯吃年糕。People used to eating rice cakes.

过年了,下再大的雪也要回家!New Year, again under the snow to go home!

以下谁曾杀死过年夜量恶魔?Who has slain the greater number of demons?

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为什么都是在最冷的冬天里过年?Why all the New Year in the coldest winter?

有一句民谣叫“大寒小寒,吃饺子过年。”It is a folk festival, eat dumplings slight.

你今年过年还回家吗?Will you go home during the Spring Festival?

过年前拼车回家算是‘火’了。Carpooling is so hot before the Spring Festival.

一下子过年,我的眼青得啥也看不见。It was the Spring Festival. I could see nothing.

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杰克今年过年得到许多压岁钱。Jack got a lot of lucky money this Chinese New Year.

我国各地过年都有贴门神的风俗。Our country New Year has posted shot-stopper customs.

谢谢,彼此彼此。李,你过年有什么打算吗?Thank you, same to you ! Lee, have you got any plans?

情暖潇湘,感恩春天,我们一起过年。Qingnuan Xiaoxiang, thankful spring, the New Year with us.

这个节日在我国非常的盛大和隆重,俗称“过年”。It's because Chinese New Year is very special and important.

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只有过年,才会有新衣裳。People could only buy new clothes during the Spring Festival.

通过歌曲营造一些过年的气氛,引起学生对学习内容的兴趣。Give commands and ask a pupil to act them out by using realia.

过年的炮仗元宵的灯喜庆余韵又欢腾。New Year fireworks lamp yuanxiao festival finish and exultation.