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此公名为咪咕尔,古巴人氏。This guy's name is Miguel and he is a Cuban.

他把取火的方法教给人民,人民便尊称他为燧人氏。He taught people the way and was titled Suirenshi honorificly.

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刘希夷,初唐著名诗人,河南汝州人氏。Liu Xiyi was a celebrated poet in the early period of the Tang Dynasty.

苗青,石家庄人氏,就读于天津音乐学院舞蹈系。Miao Qing comes from Shijiazhuang, is currently studying dance at Tianjing College of Music.

但我如果在丹麦、加拿大或英国,是否也能如此,从而同为所述诸国人氏?Q.E.D." But, couldn't I have done as much in Denmark, Canada or Britain, and been one of theirs?

后来,被尊为三皇之一的燧人氏就长眠在被称为燧明国的商丘,受到后世的顶礼膜拜。Subsequently, Suirenshi, one of the 3 Emperors, buried in Shangqiu and worshipped by the later generations.

祝融是神话传说中的火神,自燧人氏发明取火以后,即由祝融保存火种。Vulcan is the mythological god of fire, making fire from Suiren invented later, kept the fire from the Vulcan.

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听身边的英语。收听英语广播、观看英语电影、并聆听英语国家人氏讲话。Listen to the English around you. Listen to English radio, watch English movies, and listen to native speakers.

伏羲氏、燧人氏的社会跟现代的社会是完完全全不同的规模。结构不同,政府需要做的事也不同。The society of Fuxi Shi and Shuiren Shi are totally different from modern society in scale, structure and function.

刘应秋系明末清初金州人氏,是明末清初安康文学成就最高的作家。Liu Yingqiu, born in Jinzhou, was the most achieved writer of the Ankang literature in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

阿里的母亲,著名眼科大夫,南昌第八医院创始人之一.1919年出生,中国湖南衡阳人氏。Ali's mother, a famous oculist, was also one of the eight founders of Nanchang hospital. Born in Hengyang of Hunan province in 1919.

山东人氏,毕业于山东艺术学院美术系,独立电影制作人,亦从事美术及戏剧创作。Li hails from Shandong where he studied at Shandong University of Arts, he is currently a freelance movie producer, painter and drama director.

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因此,我们不能勉强地拿燧人氏的政策来执行,因为我们知道,假如那样做的话,将会天下大乱。Therefore, we shouldn't manage to carry out Shuiren Shi's policy in our society because we know that if it is done, country will go into disorder.

罗德文,广西桂林人氏,毕业于北京戏曲学院,现为北京现代音乐学院老师。Luo Dewen, Guangxi native, he graduated from Beijing Vacational Institute of Local Opera and Arts, and is currently a dance teacher of Beijing Insititue of Modern Music.

赵克军,甘肃人氏,中央民族大学舞蹈学院硕士毕业,现为北京戏曲艺术职业学院讲师。Zhao Kejun hails from Gansu, he graduated from Central University of Nationalities with master degree, and is currently a lecturer of Beijing Vacational Institute of Local Opera and Arts.