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大出血后她的身体十分虚弱。She was very weak after haemorrhaging.

很可能是脾脏或肝受到损伤,导致大出血。A ruptured spleen or liver was the most likely source.

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这名战士手臂已受伤,他正在大出血。The soldier has been wounded in the arm and he was bleeding heavily.

前路手术时三名患者都发生了大出血。Major bleeding was encountered during anterior surgery in all 3 patients.

大出血期间及术后未发现严重心律失常及少尿。During mass bleeding, serious arrhythmia and oliguria did not occur in any case.

本例乃因产后大出血引发低血容性休克所致。This case was caused by hypovolemic shock following her massive postpartum hemorrhage.

目的探讨胃十二指肠溃疡大出血的外科治疗。Objective To study the surgical treatment in massive hemorrhage of gastroduodenal ulcer.

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目的介绍痔术后大出血的三种针对性防治方法。Objective introduce three and treatment methods for hemorrhoid postoperation hemorrhage.

任何手术都是有风险的,例如感染或者大出血。With any surgery there are always certain risks, such as infection or excessive bleeding.

门脉高压性胃粘膜病变是上消化道大出血的原因之一。Gastropatht of portal hypertension is another source of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage.

分娩后大出血的妇女若无人照管,两个小时内便会失去健康的生命。Severe bleeding after birth can kill a healthy woman within two hours if she is unattended.

无肠穿孔、胆管穿孔、大出血、重症胰腺炎等并发症,无死亡。No cases had perforation of intestine and bile duct, bleeding, severe pancreatitis and death.

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结论奥曲肽是治疗非甾体类抗炎药致上消化道大出血的理想药物。Conclusion Octreotide is an idea drug with treating upper alimentary canal massive hemorrhage.

1月21日的凌晨时分,他在医院出现大出血,在没有人陪伴的情况下走了。In the small hours of 21 January he suffered a massive haemorrhage in hospital and died alone.

目的研究防止十二指肠后壁穿透溃疡大出血急诊手术后再出血。Objective To avoid that blood flows out of the duodenal back ulcer again after emergent operation.

无前列腺电切综合征、大出血、膀胱穿孔等并发症。None had complications such as transurethral resection syndrome, hemorrhea and vesical perforation.

刺一下,它会象征性地出一点血,而其他经济体都在大出血。Prick it, and it will duly release a token amount of blood while peers are haemorrhaging copiously.

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我们要继续同样的政策——让美国大出血,直到破产的那一刻。We are continuing in the same policy -- to make America bleed profusely to the point of bankruptcy.

目的探讨颅底骨折并鼻腔大出血的急诊治疗措施。Objective To study the emergency rescue of basicranial fracture complicated with massive hemorrhage.

仅在前两天,乌美医院就有四位女病人死于无法控制的产后大出血。In the previous two days alone, four women at Umaid had died from uncontrollable postpartum bleeding.