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在这笔债务上他对我很宽厚。He was very easy with me on that debt.

这样一种比较也许是过于宽厚了。Even that may be too kind a comparison.

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何等的宽厚大度又和蔼仁慈啊!How kind and magnanimous Li Hongzhi sounded!

他的粗手交叉抱在宽厚的胸前。His thick arms crossed on his hogshead of a chest.

他那宽厚而又苍白的后背上布满血红的伤痕。His broad, pale back was soaked with blood-red slashes.

普劳迪夫人是一位极出色的女人,宽厚仁慈,虔诚善良。Prodie is an excellent lady, kind-hearted, charitable, pious.

已故的亲爱的老格伦雷主教在这个问题上过分宽厚。Poor dear old Bishop Grantly had on this matter been too lenient.

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普劳迪夫人是一位极出色的女人,宽厚仁慈,虔诚善良。Mrs. Prodie is an excellent lady, kind-hearted, charitable, pious.

仁慈,宽厚天性慈悲的,尤指对罪犯或敌人。A disposition to show mercy, especially toward an offender or enemy.

你可以想象一下,我身高是6.1英尺,我有一个相当宽厚的肩膀。If you are wondering, I am 6 foot 1, and have pretty broad shoulders.

这是多么令人赞叹的聪敏与宽厚。This is the sagacity that how your person highly praises and clement.

束腰、美观,品质优,叶色油绿,叶柄宽厚。Rich bottom shape, good quality, glossy dark green leaf, thick wider petiole.

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有精力是好事,如果你还知道什么时候该宽厚,什么时候该温和些。Forcefulness is fine if you can also see when to relent and when to be gentle.

在重重磨难中,自然,以她宽厚的胸怀拥抱了卢梭。Among mountains of tribulation, nature, embraced Rousseau with her lenient heart.

谁想在逆境中得到援助,就应在身处顺境时待人宽厚。He who in adversity would have succor, let him be generous while he rests secure.

只是从来没有想到他宽厚的情感竟然让他感到害怕,让他不敢表达自己。I just hadnt understood that his vast emotion had frightened him and made him mute.

晚抽薹、叶色深绿,有光泽,叶柄宽厚,品质好。Late-bolting, dark green and glossiness leaf, thick and wider petiole, good quality.

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他看到他娇弱的体质,有必要对他宽厚些。He perceives his delicate constitution , and the necessity of treating him tolerably.

爱斯基摩狗胸部宽厚,脖子粗大,腿脚壮健,生来适于拖拉重载。Built for hard pulling, the Husky has a deep wide chest, thick neck and iron-hard legs.

至今我仍然认为他是一个强硬的生意人,虽然,他确实变得比以前宽厚多了。I still think he's a hard-charging businessman, though -- I don't think he's gone soft.