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然后再将水井消毒。Then disinfect the well.

这个手机需要消消毒了。That phone needs sterilising.

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他还没有经过消毒。He hasn't been decontaminated.

每天替婴儿所用的奶瓶消毒。Sterilize baby bottles every day.

这些仪器需要消毒。The instruments need sterilizing.

雅克!他还没有经过消毒。He hasn't been decontaminated yet.

未经高温消毒的牛奶,果汁或果酒unpasteurized milk, juice, or cider

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辐射还能对肉类进行消毒。Irradiation can also sterilize meat.

消毒的焦亚硫酸钠。Sodium metabisulfite for sanitizing.

烧灼燃烧器必须消毒。Cautery burners need to be sterilized.

仅饮用经过消毒或者煮过的奶。Drink only pasteurized or boiled milk.

买回来后请用消毒喷雾来处理或保存鞋子。Treat shoes with a disinfectant spray.

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用含氯或者氯化物的消毒水消毒。Of, relating to, or containing chlorine.

清洗和消毒的约3分钟。Cleans and disinfects in about 3 minutes.

蒸汽、可消毒的伽玛和的e射线。EtO, steam, gamma and e-beam sterilizable.

这个地方已经擦洗干净并进行了消毒。The place was swabbed out and disinfected.

在饮用之前将未经高温消毒的奶煮沸。Boil unpasteurized milk before drinking it.

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用它来烹调食物和水消毒。It is used to cook food and sterilize water.

氰尿酸也可能被用在消毒杀菌剂中。Cyanuric acid may also be used in sanitizers.

消毒,杀菌,抗感染。Sterilization, disinfectants, anti-infection.