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空难结束了,这真是幸事!The disaster is over,what a blessing!

能与您了解乃是敝人之幸事。I am pleased to make your acquaintance.

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如果李在镕具有商业才干,那这是幸事。If Mr Lee the third has business acumen , fine.

这导致了当时经济增长缓慢,但是后来证明这是件幸事。That slowed growth then, but proved a blessing later.

在每一天,不止一次对你生活中的幸事表达谢意。Give thanks for all your blessings several times a day.

当然,这也可能是克隆本身的幸事。And, of course, it would be a blessing for the clone itself.

健康和融洽是人生两大幸事。Health and understanding are the two great blessing of life.

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特莱得是头一个回来的,这对我来说,真是幸事。It was a happy circumstance for me that Traddles came back first.

知足是人生在世最大的幸事。A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world.

赞助这两支队伍以促进美国足球发展实在是幸事一桩。Assisting these two teams in ontinuing to develop America is a real honour.

这里保持得很好,很漂亮。所以能拥有这样一个公园是一件幸事。It's kept up very, very nicely and very beautifully. So we are lucky to have it.

你应该坚信好的运气、神的指引、正确的行为,还有,所有生命中的幸事。Believe in good fortune, divine guidance, right action, and all the blessings of life.

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如果真有执子之手与子携老之事,那也真是人生一大幸事。If a bailiff-hand with the portability of the old things, that life is a major blessing.

随着女性工作收入的日渐增长,梅斯的研究结果对于慈善团体来说真是幸事一桩。With women steadily increasing their earning power, what she found is good news for the world of charity.

我和我哥关系特好,所以我觉得,我和他的妻子也能融洽相处,这真是一件幸事。Because my brother and I are so close , I consider it a real blessing that his new wife and I get along well.

我们配合默契,能与拥有如此丰富经验、敏锐洞察力和极富幽默感的伙伴一同工作是一大幸事。We work closely together, and I am fortunate to have a partner with such experience, insight, and fine humor.

想想当初我差点因为担心别人会介意陌生人的来电而错过这件幸事!To think I almost missed out on that blessing by being worried what someone would think of a stranger calling!

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对他人付出你的爱、快乐、智慧和所有生活中的幸事,直到你心如止水。Give love peace joy wisdom and all the blessings of life to the other until there is no sting left in your mind.

在九月登高既是件惬意放松的事,又是件可以欣赏到自然之美的幸事。It is really refreshing to climb mountains and enjoy the beauty of nature at this bright and clear time in autumn.

如果你真地笃信上帝是慈爱的,那么,你的潜意识会做出反应,为你带来数之不尽的幸事。If you really believe in a God of love, your subconscious mind will respond by bringing countless blessings to you.