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我们正处于一场重大变革的风口浪尖。We are on the cuspof a major revolution.

美国的抵押信贷机构又一次站在了丑闻的风口浪尖。America’s mortgage leaders are again at the center of a scandal.

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那物体如拍岸浪花样雪白,仿佛颠簸在风口浪尖上的一朵花儿。White as the surf it was, and like a flower it tossed on the waves.

是的,我提倡合法化,就在扫黄严打的风口浪尖上!Yes, I'm pro-legalization, and this fight is against the persecution of sex!

风口浪尖之时,其产品代言人邓婕成了受过人之一。Tuyere Langjian the time, spokesmen for their products have become one of Dengjie.

本来不必这样的,但是好像无形之中有人把我们赶到风口浪尖!Otherwise do not have to, but it seems invisible and some of us rushed to the cusp!

雪人之前在酒类广告中的巨大成功把他推上了市场营销的风口浪尖。The snowman’s saturation in booze ads catapulted him to become a marketing kingpin.

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而处在这次争议的风口浪尖上的魔术师傅琰东则否认对鱼做成了伤害。The magician at the centre of the controversy, Fu Yandong, denies he harms the fish.

随着美国的淡出,伊拉克将逐渐从反美的风口浪尖上退下来。With the U.S. drawing down, Iraq would diminish as a focal point of anti-Americanism.

事实上,女性的权利固然重要,但基地组织的存在并没让把当地的女性推上风口浪尖。Women's rights are important, but they have no direct bearing on the threat from al-Qaida.

如果老互联网明星贝佐斯可以作为参照的话,扎克伯格也可能处在风口浪尖上。If fellow Internet star Bezos is any guide, Zuckerberg could still be in store for a wild ride.

这些认可和赞誉帮助布鲁贝克收获了不少唱片订单,却也将他推向了爵士乐批评家的风口浪尖。Such recognition helped get bookings, but it also made Brubeck a lightning rod for jazz critics.

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在处于风口浪尖上的雷克雅未克,许多人开始转行做艺术和手工艺品,靠这个既可以省钱也可以赚钱。In cutting-edge Reykjavik, many are turning to arts and crafts, both to save money and to make it.

如我所言,我们正处于自经济大萧条以来,最艰难的金融改革的风口浪尖上。As I speak, we are on the cusp of enacting the toughest financial reforms since the Great Depression.

一位民主党官员表示,虽然讨价还价交易的风口浪尖上,人们可以凝胶迅速。A Democratic official said that while bargainers were not on the cusp of a deal, one could gel quickly.

周翔误会权来导致自己父亲去世一事,使权来被推到了风口浪尖。Zhou Xiang misunderstanding right to lead to his fathers death, the right to be pushed to the forefront.

突然间,自1913年国会通过决议建立美联储以来,关于美联储是否合法的问题第一次被推到了风口浪尖。Suddenly the Fed was on the table for discussion for the first time since Congress established it in 1913.

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由于开发往往和研究紧密相连,科学家们发现自己正处在风口浪尖之上。Because exploration often goes hand in hand with research, scientists are finding themselves on the front line.

而处于这场革命风口浪尖的正是以处理社会纯粹风险为核心业务的非寿险公司。On the tip of this revolution, there is non-life insurance company that treats pure risk management as a core business.

他真正的不幸是之后落入了对英格兰大赛出局深入揭批的过激反应的风口浪尖。His real misfortune was in the strength of the customary over-reaction to the fine detail of an England tournament exit.