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人要有开阔的胸襟。Always have an open mind.

他是一个胸襟狭窄的小人。He is a little man with a little mind.

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对世界,这是一种何其广博的胸襟!The world, this is a How broad-minded!

你的襟怀胸襟有了…Thy bosom is endeared with all hearts.

他有当革命家的胸襟。He has a mind to become a revolutionary.

他开阔旳胸襟。能包容莪旳切。His open mind. I can be inclusive of all.

我们需要放开胸襟,放长眼光。We need to be open-minded and farsighted.

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这种心态和胸襟,才是人。This kind of attitude and mind, is the man.

喜欢旅行的人感到胸襟开阔。People who like travelling feel broad-minded.

有宽容精神的人通常胸襟开阔。A tolerant person usually has breadth of mind.

大胸襟和深远的看到,他也非常的教训。Large-minded and far-seeing , he was also very learned.

他成功了,因为他有雄心壮志,还有宽广的胸襟。He succeeded because of his ambition and generous spirit.

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“敖气面对万重浪”是何等的胸襟气概!!!How brave it is to face the powerful and tempestuous waves!

爱情真的很自私,一点也容不得半点宽阔的胸襟。Love is really selfish, is also not tolerate any broad-minded.

放眼未来,胸襟开阔,用智慧创造价值。Looking to the future, broad-minded, with wisdom creates value.

这需要有非藏宽大的胸襟才行。TO know, to understand, to love the process need largeness of heart.

对待人才和挑战,我们大学要有一个更加开放的胸襟。They should be more open to talent and to the challenge of new ideas.

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他没有强迫自己去襟怀胸襟大志或是去迅速扩张公司。He didn't force himself to dream big and to expand the company too fast.

辽阔的大海,如同善良人的宽大胸襟,它接纳了一切。The ocean, as kind -hearted large-minded people, it accepted everything.

人之不能不舒其胸襟,犹鸟之不能不啭其歌喉。Man cannot help craving for expression any more than birds can help singing.