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双桅横帆船围着锚转圈。The brig is heaving around on the anchor.

滑冰者在冰上快速转圈。The skater spun round and round on the ice.

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他开始一边唱歌,一边转圈跳起舞来了。He started to sing and to dance the tarantella.

我们一起讲笑话,拽着小孩子的胳膊转圈儿。We tell jokes and I swing the little kids around.

它们转圈,翻跟头,在微风中弹跳。They spin and they tumble. They bounce on the breeze.

吼叫,转圈,前冲和狂躁兴奋。Bellowing, circling, head pressing & maniacal excitement.

然后他走路转圈直到落水。Knut then walked in circles until he fell into the water.

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它绕着餐桌转圈撒欢儿的速度让人看得直眼晕。His laps around the dining room table are made at dizzying speed.

举起胳膊,跳起来,坐下,转圈,晃动身体。Raise your arms, jump up, sit down, turn around, and shake your body.

没有目标,你的生活只是被动地对周围事物做出反应,你只能让生活推着你转圈。Without goals, you are living reactively, letting life push you around.

在外国人看来,这里转圈敬酒的习俗颇令人尴尬。For a foreigner, the practice of surrounding toasts here can be embarrassing.

也许他们也许好比在一个马圈中两匹围着各自转圈一样躲避问题。They may have danced around issues like two stallions circling each other in a corral.

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要是我们非得飞45分钟,那机长干嘛不直接飞往达拉斯而要在原地转圈?If we're going to fly for 45 minutes, can't he fly toward Dallas instead of in circles?

拉兹洛站了起来,围着桌子转圈,彼得·保罗也第一次激动起来。Laszlo stood up, circling the table, and for the first time Peter Paul became agitated.

教他们如何用牙刷转圈儿刷牙以免得蛀牙。and I taught them how to brush their teeth in tiny circles so they wouldn't get cavities.

第二个挑战项目是贵州布依族的转圈舞,按照习俗,这种舞蹈要跳到日落跳不动才能停下。Second of his mission this time is circle dancing of Buyi ethnic minority in Guizhou Province.

不抬头可以让你速度增快,但是如果你开始转圈游,那就很不好了。Not looking up may speed you up, but that doesn't do much good if you start swimming in circles.

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这可把演剧演员吓坏了,他开始绕着笼子转圈跑,狮子则在他身后紧追不舍。The mime is so scared that he begins to run round and round the cage with the lion close behind.

如其所言,肿瘤学中不变的事实之一,是“在失败和希望之间恶心地转圈”。One of the constants in oncology, as he says, is “the queasy pivoting between defeatism and hope.”

如果你用突击车的时候遭遇斗犬,尝试围绕建筑转圈,然后急转。If you encounter a Pitbull with your scouting Buggy, try to go around a building and then make a sharp turn.