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意见相左时,不要怒目相向,也不要指名道姓争吵。In disagreements, fight fairly. Please No name calling.

任何朋友都讨厌背后诽谤和指名道姓的批评。Any friends will be tired of the backbiting and fin-ger-pointing.

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发帖者在不指名道姓的情况是否可避免诽谤之嫌?Can the poster avoid defaming a person by not using the person's name?

旋“为了不让当事人颜面扫地,我们就不指名道姓了,”一位警方发言人说道。"we don't want to name the man to spare his blushes, " said a police spokesman.

那些所谓的批评者,被提到时总是泛泛而谈,从来不指名道姓。The so-called critics are only generically mentioned, but not individually mentioned.

自从那时起,财政部断定指名道姓造成的坏处要比好处更甚。Ever since then, the Treasury has concluded that the designation would do more harm than good.

一些吐温指名道姓尖刻评论的人物已经随历史而消逝了。Some of Twain’s most critical remarks about individuals are directed at names that have faded from history.

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更好的解决方式或许是当大家冷静下来,不指名道姓地提一提清洁卫生的重要性。A better solution may be to mention the importance of cleanliness, without naming names, when people chill out.

我注意到其中一个模型很像好莱坞一位身高不到5英尺8英寸的动作巨星──不过区应钟不愿指名道姓。I noticed a resemblance to one famous A-list action-movie star who is under 5-foot-8 -- but Mr. Au wouldn't name names.

指名道姓地称呼——人们喜欢自己名字的字型和发音,所以请务必记住别人的名字。Address People by Their Name – People love the sight and sound of their own name, so make sure you learn to remember names.

我不会指名道姓地说出来,但因为实验室型公司推出的产品缺乏打磨与修饰,已经让我不止一次地感到失望。I won't name names, but I've been disappointed more than once by the lack of polish of products produced by labs companies.

据传它们还知道设圈套人的姓名,就指名道姓地大骂这些村民和他们的祖先。It was also said they knew the names of the people who made the traps, therefore they called their and their forefathers' names.

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没有对民主党人巴拉克-奥巴马指名道姓,这位始终面带微笑的阿拉斯加州长发起了一波又一波攻击。Without mentioning Democrat Barack Obama's name and rarely losing a smile, the Alaska governor delivered one riposte after another.

帖子同时还指名道姓地嘲笑了他的新婚妻子,一位律师,被他所蒙骗——同时附上了她的公司名称和工作邮箱。The entry also named and mocked the man's new wife, a lawyer, for being "suckered" by him — and included her firm's name and work email.

谷歌邮箱自己的隐私政策似乎已说明了谷歌对谷歌邮箱的呼叫能做什么和不能做什么了,但它似乎并没有指名道姓地说是电话呼叫。Gmail’s own privacy policy presumably informs what Google can and can’t do with Gmail calls, but it doesn’t seem to address phone calls directly.

台北奇岩科技教育公司的一位“认真玩创新”顾问咨询师蔡宇振表示,通常的练习都带有戏仿的意思,但没有指名道姓的说戏仿的对象就是“你最讨厌的人”。Tsai Yu-Chen of UGene Mentor, a Serious Play consultancy based in Taipei, says a common exercise is modelling, but not naming, “the people you hate most”.

尽管他没有指名道姓,但世界银行和国际货币基金组织已经饱受批评,说它们没有充分代表发展中国家发言。Though he did not mention them by name, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have come under criticism for under-representing developing economies.

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在“危机会议”上,讲话的主角是卡佩罗,他指名道姓地说了充当替罪羊将要被开除的球员。At the "crisis" meeting with Mijatovic and Calderon, it was Capello who did most of the talking, naming the players who should be scapegoated and therefore purged.

然而,奥巴马似乎要把这场斗争进行到底,他不指名道姓地指责商业游说团体以犬儒主义的态度迎战气候变化。However, Obama appeared to be just getting into the fight, indirectly accusing the business lobby that has spearheaded the fight against climate change of cynicism.

大鸣户和桥本主要指控相扑比赛经常作弊,令读者吃惊的是他们不但指名道姓,而且坦率承认曾参与作弊。The main charge by Onaruto and Hashimoto was that sumo is frequently rigged. And they stunned readers by naming manes and admitting that they themselves had helped fix bouts.