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痴情要为在乎你的人而痴。My best wishes for you!

当一个痴情女好还是自由女好?I opted to be a 'free' girl!

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绝不像痴情的鸟儿。I will never imitate spoony birds.

绝不学痴情的鸟儿I will never learn from the spoony birds

我痴情地走进雨幕。I walk into the rain curtain infatuatedly.

终于有一天,上帝被这个痴情的男孩感动了。Finally, God was striked by the spoony boy.

史弟俩都痴情地爱着玛丽。The two brothers were both spoons with Mary.

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于是痴情的大地等待玫瑰一直等到了冬天。So spoony earth waited for rose until winter.

痴情已经经历十几年了,暗恋也过了。Spoony have been through ten years, like also.

难道你怕一个深爱着你的痴情儿?Do you fear a love fool who loves you so deeply?

美食成了巴厘岛让人为之痴情的又一大亮点。Food became Bali let a person spoony and tom. com.

男人选择执着,女人选择痴情。A male chooses to persist, A female chooses spoony.

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难道你怕一个深爱着你的痴情儿?Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply?

他向她表白了他的痴情,说他们永不分离。He told her he loved her, and they were inseparable.

同时,他也是一个浪漫的诗人,一个痴情但多变的人。At the same time, he is also a romantic poet, a spoony.

为什么往往痴情的人,却会往往是悲伤的人?Why often spoony , can often you be sad person however?

晓阳打动于家成的痴情,尝试和家成交往。In a bing home by herself, she try and home into interaction.

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父爱天高,母恩难报,痴情恋人难找!Father sky, Tu mother difficult newspaper, lovers to find love!

今天,我明白了,这是痴情,一种可贵的情!Today, I understand that this is infatuation , a precious love!

你也许会认为人们没有听够痴情怨曲。You'd think that people would have had enough silly love songs.