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“早间秀节目”,杰斯·卡杰尔,于纽约。For the Early Show, Jess Cagle in New York.

这样你就可以进入到你早间的正确轨道中了。Then you can dive into your morning ritual.

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他在美国国家公共电台早间版上,就这么说的。That's what he said on NPR's Morning Edition.

我想早间音乐主持人是很愚蠢的。I thought morning deejays were supposed to be zany.

阅兵场正在进行早间检阅。Morning parade was in progress on the parade ground.

那么,如果有可能,我是否愿意听到雷福礼在上周五早间的业绩电话会议上说点什么?So would I have liked to hear A. G. on the call this morning?

在这一天,甚至是早间新闻也会传播假消息。On this day, even the morning news broadcast can spread false news.

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大家早上好,这是可可大讲堂的早间节目。Good morning , everybody . This is the programme on the morning class.

她得到一个在黎明,在电视上最低的额定早间节目的工作。She gets a job at Daybreak, the lowest-rated morning program on television.

巧合的是,鲍勃.多尔和纽特.金里奇出现在那天的早间新闻节目上。By coincidence, Bob Dole and Newt Gingrich were on the morning news programs.

但有线新闻,特别是早间秀还在关注他。Yet cable news and the network morning shows especially are still ODing on MJ.

现在我得和这毛球一起为这没前途的本地早间节目工作!Here I am working with this sack of dander on a dead-end regional morning show.

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周二早间,社会党以仅仅三个席位的微弱优势在议会中占多数。The Socialists began Tuesday with a majority in Parliament of only three seats.

来自格里菲曼谷办公室,今天早间的消息。We have received the below message from our colleagues in Bangkok this morning.

我是早间航班,所以在黎明我就离开酒店步行去地铁站。I was on an early flight out, so I left the hotel at dawn to walk to the subway.

大多数早间节目的焦点是传播快乐与欢笑,所以去听听看。Spreading joy and laughter is the focal point of most morning crews. So tune in.

关键是,在每天早间食用蛋白质或许会比较容易减少热量摄入。The point is, eating protein early in the day may make it much easier to cut down.

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现在是无线新闻的早间商业新闻节目,我是琳达.沃什米And that's the business news on MORNING EDITION, from NPR News. I'm Linda Wertheimer.

这位68岁的电台主持人在他的早间广播秀里宣布了这个让人惊讶的消息。The 68-year-old shock jock made this surprise announcement on his morning radio show.

周四早间,得克萨斯州达拉斯和加州伯克利的警方对抗议者的营地进行了清场。And police in Dallas and Berkeley, Calif., moved to clear out encampments early Thursday.