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我付不出车资,请借给我一些。Please lend me some as I don't have a taxi fare.

驾驶员延迟到天气转晴后才出车。The driver delayed the drive until the weather cleared.

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有辆小汽车哼哧哼哧,好似在抗议什么,坚定地滑出车道。A car whined in protest, but skidded staunchly out of its driveway.

从亮点闪过惪轨迹中可明显地判断出车惪速度。Bright flash from the track can clearly determine the speed of the bus.

电车驶进了车场,他得到允许可以休息一下,但是后来他又被叫去出车。The car was turned in and he was allowed to loaf a while, but later he was again called.

父母出车送货时与一辆大货车相撞,一小时前在医院里永远地闭上了双眼!Parents vehicle delivery with a large truck collided, an hour ago in the hospital closed his eyes forever!

然后根据上述知识,利用点的速度合成定理推导出车削平面传动比的方程。And then the equation of transmission ratio for machining plane was deduced by using the referred information.

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然后我们就会听见爱你车库的门打开,我们四个就看着外面一辆汽车停出车道。But then we would hear the garage door open, and the four of us boys looked outside as a car pulled in the driveway.

雨后,赵师傅正准备出车,他注意到刚洗过的车被灰黑色黏土状的东西覆盖了。After the rain, as Zhao was about to start work, he noticed his recently washed car was covered with a gray, slushy substance.

柴田的同事说,柴田做事认真,健康状况良好。当天出车前,他还跟同事打招呼,精神状态与平时一样。Shibata colleagues, Shibata things seriously, in good health. Before moving day, he was kind enough to greet the staff, mental state and, as usual.

“通常要半个多小时救护车才能到”,詹妮佛说,“但是他们在电话被取消的情况下还是出车了,只用了三分钟。"Ordinarily it would have taken a good half-hour, " says Jennifer, "but they were out on a call that had been canceled and were only three minutes away.

出车前了解客人所乘交通工具的抵达时间,提前15分钟到达机场/车站,协助客人行李服务。Before driving, have a clear idea of the guest's arrival time, arrived at the airport or station 15mins in advance and help the guest with luggage service.

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市交通港口局副局长周淮坦言,一般调价后一段时间内,出租车的出车次数会稍微减少。Zhou Huai, deputy director of the city's transport and port administration, said he expected business to show a slight drop initially because of the price increase.

是用于将码好砖坯的窑车推入窑炉的进车端,并通过窑道内各辆车之间的相互推挤作用,将装有成品的窑车推出窑炉的出车端。The pusher is used to push kiln cart loaded adobes into the entrance of kiln, and push kiln cart loaded finished products out of the exit of kiln by the mutual shove among carts in kiln.

我觉得这样很公平,因为像你们这样的年轻人经常出车祸,因为你们又吸大麻又喝酒,所以…,有些人会说“这是刻板印象”I think this is perfectly fair because young people like you get into a lot more accidents with your reefer and your alcohol and so it is-- now, some of you are saying "that's a stereotype."

有种特别的手持分光镜可以检测出车用安全贴纸中的特殊的色素,可以使用光学的,声学的信号来显示出安全贴纸的真假。The specialty pigment in the CarSecure stickers can be checked using a special hand-held spectroscope, which employs optical and acoustical signals to indicate whether the sticker is genuine.