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鸡翘木、铁力木木质粗,不适细雕。Chicken becomes warped woodiness of wood, ferreous mesua is thick, unwell fine carve.

应该是菩提、糖棕、贝叶棕,还有铁力木和高榕吧。They should be the banyan, the sugar palm, the talipot palm, the ironwood and the beecheyana trees.

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仔细观察铁力木家具,就会发现它的个性。Observe ferreous mesua furniture carefully, with respect to the individual character that can discover it.

这件大翘头案,非常典型地代表了明式铁力木家具风格。This becomes warped greatly head desk, represented style of furniture of bright type ferreous mesua typically.

采用逐步聚类分析方法,对铁力木容器苗苗木的分级标准进行了探讨。The standard of seedling grading of Mesua ferrea L. was studied by using the methods of gradual cluster analysis.

铁力木质坚而沉重,心材淡红色,髓线细美,用其制作家具,经久耐用。Ferreous mesua is qualitative firm and heavy, duramen is damask, pith line fine beauty, make furniture with its, wear well.

在明式家具中,铁力木家具以其厚重拙朴的风格表现着自己。In bright type furniture, ferreous mesua furniture is behaving him with the style of Chinese hackberrya of its massiness clumsy.

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古船木都是些百年的老木,主要有铁力木、石头椎、昆甸木、楸木等。Ancient Boat wood are more a hundred years old trees, mainly Mesua ferrea, stone vertebral, Queensland's wood, such as Catalpa wood.

铁力木,或作“铁梨木”、“铁栗木”,在几种硬木树种中长得最高大。Ferreous mesua, or make " Tie Li wood " , " Tie Li wood " , cultivate in a few kinds of hardwood in planting, grow the most loftily.

铁力木又称铁梨、铁栗,为常绿大乔木,产于中国广东、广西等地。Ferreous mesua weighs Tie Li, Tie Li again, for constant green large tree, originate in and other places of Chinese Guangdong, Guangxi.

北京故宫博物院藏有一铁力木大翘头案,尺寸之巨,非常罕见。Museum of Beijing the Imperial Palace hides one ferreous mesua to become warped greatly head desk, of dimension gigantic, very infrequent.