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噬菌体,顾名思义它们能感染细菌。As their name suggests, these infect bacteria.

噬菌体是一种攻击并吞食细菌的病毒。Bacteriophages are viruses that attack and eat bacteria.

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噬菌体已复制和给体细胞已发生裂解。The phage has replicated and the donor cells have lysed.

产噬的在细胞内带有前噬菌体的。Carrying a prophage within the cell. Used of a bacterium.

目的筛选红霉素链霉菌抗噬菌体菌株。Objective Screening Streptomyces erthreus antiphage strain.

有一种称为噬菌体的病毒可以感染细菌。Bacteria may be infected with viruses called bacteriophages.

通过三轮生物淘洗过程,噬菌体克隆得到富集。After three rounds biopanning, the phage clones have enriched.

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有人提出把噬菌体分为六类。It has been proposed to group bacteriophages in six categories.

用噬菌体成功的诱导成鼠疫菌L型。Using bacteriophage, Y. pestis L form was induced successfully.

它能在较长时间内稳定生产噬菌体抗体。It was possible to produce phage antibody steadily in long time.

这些细菌很快就被胀爆,释放酶和新的噬菌体。These bacteria soon burst open, spilling out enzymes and new phages.

通过从质粒获得的限制性酶,新的噬菌体能够生长。New phages can develop by acquiring restriction enzymes from plasmids.

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科学家用称作噬菌体的病毒来加速这一进程。The scientists used viruses called bacteriophages to speed the process.

用ELISA和流式细胞仪检测展示在噬菌体上CD28的抗原性。The antigenicity of CD28 displayed on phage was detected by ELISA and FCM.

特异性转导是在温和噬菌体的溶原期发生的。This may occur during the lysogenic life cycle of a temperate bacteriophage.

该分型方案为菌株的噬菌体分型提供了模式。This typing scheme has provided the patterns for the phage typing of strains.

噬菌体对一些种或一些细菌株来说是特异性的。Phages are usually specific to particular species or even strains of bacteria.

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溶源性噬菌体及质粒和游离基因则含有双链DNA基因组。Lysogenic phages have double-stranded DNA genomes, as do plasmids and episomes.

噬菌体抗体库是近年发展起来的一项分子生物学新技术。Phage antibody library is a new technology of Molecule Biology in recent years.

噬菌体自发现之初就被人们应用于治疗各种细菌感染。Bacteriophage has been used to treat bacterial infections since it was discovered.