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“它仍然在起作用,”洋行说。"It's still in play, " Matheson said.

这里的一号楼是太古洋行大班住宅。Swire here is a large class residential building.

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英国的怡和洋行是当时在中国的最大垄断组织之一。Britain's Jardine Matheson was the largest in China, one of the monopolies.

请确认天津大昌洋行从下一班起以后都发往圣路易斯港。Please confirm Tianjin Dachang ship to St. Louis from next shipment and later on.

西内洋行的家庭遭到地震蹂躏,他堂兄的尸体刚被发现,但其祖母仍下落不明。His cousin’s body was found recently, while his cousin’s grandmother is still missing.

近代天津是北方重要的通商口岸,曾经吸引了几百家外国洋行在此落户。As one of the major business ports in northern China, Tianjin used to be the home to several hundred Yanghang.

买办由于洋行工作经历所积累的经验以及拥有雄厚的资本实力,成为经营保险业的最早涉足者。Because of their working experiences in foreign trades and capital strength, compradors became the first insurers in China.

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本文以时间为线索论述唐廷枢由洋行买办向民族资本家的转变过程。This thesis threads by the time the story of Mr TangTingsu"s change from a comprador of foreign firms to a national capitalist."

在洋行林立的外滩边的船坞上,乞丐们哄抢了一大包棉花。Shanghai. Beggars attack a bale of cotton on docks along the Bund where banks and business firms conduct their prosperous trades.

莫家历任太古洋行买办,经商致富,不忘社会公益,尤其是在慈善和教育事业方面,贡献良多。Being the commercially successful, the Mok family shows great care for the community, especially in philanthropic work and education.

康曼倩随后派人杀死了给梁锋提供消息的怡丰洋行练习生。The trainee of happy abundant foreign firm that subsequently group person killed Kang Manqian to provide an information to Liang Feng.

位于跑马地黄泥涌道与礼顿山道交界,以一间在1840年代于该处开设的礼顿洋行而命名。It is situated between Wong Nai Chung and Leighton Hill Roads, named after a Leighton company which was established there in the 1840s.

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监测车很快来到大德洋行区域,褚山虎发现监测车便让山狸猫前去报信。To monitor the car soon came to the William company, found that monitoring car will let Chu Shanhu mountain cat to go to the messenger.

由汇丰银行、海关大楼、沙逊大厦、中国银行、怡和洋行、字林西报、上海总会、汇中饭店等大楼所组成的风景,成就了如画的上海。The buildings of hsbc headquarter customs house bank of china jardine foreign firm shanghai chamber and many others have formed grand view of shanghai.

通过查探太田惊奇的发现,嫣嫣的父亲熊阔海原来就是加藤一直在搜捕的怡兴洋行职员尤俊。Through find out too tian find surprising, YanYan father XiongKuo sea is actually kato has been searching for the foreign staff YouJun satisfying xing.

“当我检查电子邮件时,屏幕上突然出现地震的新闻,我在新加坡的互联网上盯着奔腾的海啸,福岛县首当其冲,我立即想到远在千里之外的家庭是否安全,”当西内洋行首次得知他的家乡南相马市遭地震蹂躏时叙述到。Iwas checking my e-mails when suddenly, news of the earthquake flashed on the screen. I watched the tsunami news in real time on the Internet in Singapore.

香港捷成洋行,是一家拥有百多年悠久历史的老字号洋行。Jebsen & Co. is a name that has become synonymous with reliability and expertise in the field of Chinese trade, ever since its inception over 100 years ago.

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由于茶叶利润高以及洋行贷款给茶农,茶树的种植区跟著急速扩张。Because of the profits to be made from tea, and the loans which Western companies gave to the tea growers, the area planted with tea bushes expanded rapidly.

截止1930年前后,都还有英国旗昌洋行等不少外商在此开设业务机构。即使社会变迁,顺城街也一直延续着商业的繁荣。By 1930 or so, many foreign investors such as Bandinel & Co. have established its branches here. whatever the society changes, the street remains prosperous.

金山面对这个当初作为洋行的中央,想到当年铁道游击队的“血染洋行”,不由思绪万千。Golden hill in the face of this at the beginning of the company, thought of as the central railway guerrillas in the "blood", not from foreign 10000 thoughts.