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舍鱼而取熊掌者也。I prefer bear's paw to fish.

鱼和熊掌,两个都得要。Fish and bears paw, both must.

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鱼和熊掌我要全包!Fish and bear's paw to all my bag!

有的时候你没法鱼和熊掌兼得。Hard work means sacriface of time.

奥巴马似乎想要鱼与熊掌兼得。Mr Obama, it seems, wants it both ways.

因为你不能鱼与熊掌兼得。You can't have your cake and eat it, too.

作为成年人,有的时候鱼和熊掌不能兼得。As adults, we sometimes don't get to have it all.

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第四部分为“鱼与熊掌之间”。Part four is "Delima Between Fish and Bear"s Paw.

穷成这样啦,四个熊掌全卖了?So poor it into four-wide to sell the bear's paw?

我的老爹一次用他的熊掌抓住了一颗子弹。My daddy once used his bear hand catched a bullet.

他估计每年有上千只熊掌被走私。He estimated that thousands were smuggled each year.

代表国王,国王和熊掌使守护人担心。K is for king , kings and bears often worry keepers.

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这就是鱼和熊掌很难兼得的。This is very difficult for fish and bear's paw exclusive.

有只大熊在卧室里熊掌巨大无比!There is a big bear in the bedroom with the enormous paws!

强化治疗之触缩短吟唱时间0.5秒,谁还敢说我们唱得慢!熊掌伺候!Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.5 sec.

普京早就道明,基辅不能鱼与熊掌兼得。Putin has already indicated that Kiev can’t pursue both goals.

谚语。鱼与熊掌不能兼得。You can't make an omelet without permanently deafening someone.

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我想,鱼与熊掌不可兼得,这必须作出选择。I think not keep fish and bear's paw , which must make a choice.

他估计每年有上千只熊掌被走私。Vaisman said.He estimated that thousands were smuggled each year.

鱼与熊掌两者不能兼得,你必须选择其一。You can't have it both ways. You must decide on one or the other.