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他即令有钱,也是很少的。He has little, if any, money.

但是即令狮子和羔羊也能找到共同的基础。But even lions and lambs find common ground.

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即令最小的错误都可能造成大害。Even the slightest error could cause great harm.

如果有人来劝我,即令是国王亲自来。And if anyone tries to persuade me, even the King himself.

但即令我们碰到这种情况,也不应绝望。Even if we are caught in such a situation, we should not despair.

一个真正的人本身就是一首诗,即令他不曾写过一行诗句。A real man himself is a poem even though he does not write a line.

但即令是和哥斯达黎加谈判,我们回家时,身上也会输得连件衬衣都没有。But we can't confer with Costa Rica and come home with our shirts on.

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在景公派的使者没有赶到之前,禳苴即令将庄贾斩首示众。Before the messenger of Lord Jing has arrived, Zhuang Jia was executed on the spot.

但即令是生产性劳动者的消费也不全是生产性消费。But the consumption even of productive labourers is not all of it productive consumption.

即令是面对全社会的孤独、全党内的孤独,他也决不轻言放弃!No, he'd never do that! Not even in the face of social and party isolation. He never gave up!

献帝即令钟繇草诏,册立曹操为魏王。Emperor Xian commanded Zhong Yao to draft the edict confirming Cao Cao’s elevation to king of Wei.

我们绝对要承认,我们追求的是同一个理由,即令美国的明天更美好,尽管在某种情况下并非是自愿承认的。We absolutely have to realize that we’re all in this for the same reason, to make America a better place.

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自从二次世界大战以来,以前每次经济复苏,即令在颇不景气的70年代复原以后,都能使所有人受惠。Every prior economic expansion since World War II has lifted all boats even the recovery in the sickly 70's.

然而,即令不借助于术士,在普通的自然现象中,也可以看到这种情形很明显的肖象。But yet without praying in aid of alchemists, there is a manifest image of this, in the ordinary course of nature.

每一个真诚悔改的基督徒,即令没有赎罪券,也同样可以被赦罪或免罪。Every truly repentant Christian has a right to full remission of penalty and guilt, even without letters of pardon.

我们绝对要承认,我们追求的是同一个理由,即令美国的明天更美好,尽管在某种情况下并非是自愿承认的。Wasserman Schultz said.“We absolutely have to realize that we're all in this for the same reason, to make America a better place.

我们绝对要承认,我们追求的是同一个理由,即令美国的明天更美好,尽管在某种情况下并非是自愿承认的。Wasserman Schultz said. “We absolutely have to realize that we're all in this for the same reason, to make America a better place.

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实际上,政治领袖们亲自遴选许多代表,在候选人提名上,即令没有绝对决定权,也是极具影响力的。But in practice, political leaders hand-pick many of the delegates and are expected to have a strong if not absolute say over the nominees.

可是,即令对于这些事情都已充分注意到,仍然还有不能进一步研究的东西,那就是行为者的人格或个性。But then, even after full attention has been paid to all these matters, something remains that defies any attempts at further interpretation, viz.

即令在解严后,仍有部分司法人员之观念与心态,并未随之改变与调整。Even after the lifting of martial law, there are still some judicial officers who have not changed or adjusted their mindset about detention practice.