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化工原料,食品原料,染料,颜料,洋货。Chemicals, Food Additives, Dyestuffs, Pigments and Sundries.

学习俄国民族志,洋货挡在大门口。Ethnographic study in Russia, foreign goods blocked at the gate.

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接着他打开购物袋,证明他没买洋货。He then opened his bags to prove he had avoided foreign-made goods.

洋货充斥中国市场的时代已经一去不复返了。The era when foreign goods flooded the Chinese market is gone for ever.

外滩,洋货,金元宝商厦,其实就是一个小市里的缩影。Bund, foreign goods, gold bullions buildings, is in fact a small city in miniature.

过去的几十年中洋货充斥着发展中国家的市场。In the past few decades foreign goods flooded the markets of the developing countries.

当年的几十年中洋货充塞着成长中国度的市场。In the past few deccommerciinges foreign goods flooded the markets of the developing countries.

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但是,老百姓可以把这些高不可攀的洋货低俗化、民间化。However, these privileged foreign games are being simplified and popularized among average people.

我们想购买任何洋货或“奢侈品”,最多只能去银座或者也许人民商场。Our best hope of any kind of imported or "luxury" item was Silver Plaza or perhaps the People's Market.

因为手工业复兴了,不怕被机制洋货的倾销挤倒了。Revived handicrafts that have no fear of being beaten down by the influx of machine-made goods from abroad.

洋货正以前所未有的规模和速度占领中国市场,中国已经成为外商最为有利的商品销售市场。Foreign goods are occupying China's market on an unprecedented scale. China has become a favorable market for the foreign merchants.

一个跨洋货运的主管将深水地平线钻探包括在平台喷发的预防中。A Transocean supervisor who worked on the doomed Deepwater Horizon rig has since been highly involved in testing the platform’s blowout preventer.

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就象之前的抵制日货、抵制美货,或更久远的抵制洋货运动一样愚昧。难道,非要把中国孤立于这个世界才好?难道,非要再搞一次“闭关锁国”才罢?I bear great sorrow for their blindness, which is as much stupid as the boycotts against Japanese, American and all western products long time ago.

随着“五卅”期间河南反帝宣传和抵制洋货运动蓬勃高涨,英美烟公司在河南的经营活动受到沉痛打击。With the movement of opposing imperialism and resisting the foreign goods rising during the May 30th movement, British & American Tobacco Co. was frustrated.

一方面,由于当时政治腐败,外族入侵和洋货的冲击,景德镇瓷器生产面临着严峻的考验。One hand, as a result at that time the political corruption, families'invasion and the imported goods impact, the Jingdezhen porcelain faced severe challenges.

不同地区的洋货进口结构略有不同,而土货出口结构则差别较大,反映出区域经济发展的差异。Trade structure differed either in foreign import goods or in local export goods especially the latter, which reflected the divergence of regional economic pattern.

着重分析开埠后九江洋货土货贸易特征和转口贸易情形,并对主要货物进出口贸易兴衰的过程作简要阐述与分析。Besides, the rise and decline of several kinds of goods in trading is also analyzed here. Chapter three mainly discusses the factors that influence the trading of Kiukiang.

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质检总局进出口食品安全局有关负责人强调,这些上了“黑名单”的食品、化妆品洋货均已做退货、销毁或改作他用处理,未进入国内市场销售。Officials at the AQSIQ stressed that all these foreign foods and cosmetics on the "blacklist" have been returned, destroyed or converted to other use and did not enter the domestic market.

开埠通商后,行栈资本首先在口岸城市获得发展,后来又逐步扩展至内地市场和土洋货贸易的各主要行业。After the treaty ports were opened, broker's storehouses grew first in port cities, then extended gradually into inland markets and the principal lines of trade in native and foreign goods.