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一场灾祸正在酿成。A catastrophe is brewing.

灾祸临头。A great disaster is befalling.

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灾祸是福,塞翁失马焉知非福。Disaster is blessing in disguise.

灾祸是吾人真正的试金石。Calamity is man's true touch stone.

灾祸连年。Calamity occurs in successive years.

耶和华说,我必使灾祸临到你,将你除尽。I am going to bring disaster on you.

这些情况预示著要有灾祸。These developments forebode disaster.

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谎言是灾祸的骑师。Falsehood is the jockey of misfortune.

他们不必承受饥馑和灾祸They don't suffer famines or disasters.

魔鬼敲门慎莫开,开门必有灾祸来。Open not your door when the devil knock.

此事除了引起灾祸以外不会有什么结果。Nothing will come of it, unless disaster.

这场灾祸让他陷入困境,难以自拔。The disaster had brought him to his knees.

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他们勇敢地与灾祸的恶浪搏斗。They bravely buffeted misfortune's billows.

有智慧的人避免灾祸的方法是预作准备。The wise man avoids evil by anticipating it.

在这次灾祸内,死去了二万四千人。And there were slain four and twenty thousand men.

以前发生灾祸时教堂都要敲钟。The church bell used to be rung to signify disaster.

违背自然规律的人迟早会给自己带来灾祸的。Those who go against nature bring themselves tragedy.

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不管怎样,我还没有落到穷途末路的地步,我只是在同灾祸调情而已。At any rate, I had not yet come to the end of my rope.

那个巫婆祈求降灾祸于这位年轻女郎。The wicked woman imprecated a curse on the young lady.

我只怕你勇敢的行为会为你带来灾祸。I only fear what your braves acts might bring down on you.