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扫除一切害人虫。Away with all pests.

我爱死了凯伦在春季扫除中的表现了!I love Karen’s post on Spring cleaning!

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学生们在扫除教室。The students are clea majoring the clbummroom.

身上涌出一股能量,扫除了她的痛苦,鼓舞她继续前进。A surge of pain-free energy propelled her forward.

李明或者是他的同班同窗在扫除房间。Li Ming or his acquaintances are charwoman the allowance.

她的亲吻扫除了他精神上的苦闷。His spiritual depression came to an end when she kissed him.

晚上,你们大多在各层面停止少量扫除毒素的活动。Over night, most of you get worked on heavy detoxing on all levels.

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如何扫除这个城市的积弊仍然是个紧要问题。How to clean the Augean stables of this city remains a critical problem.

如何扫除这个成绩的积弊仍然是个紧要问题。How to clean the Augean stables of this city remains a critical problem.

在新年前的一,两天。,。人们会进行到扫除!One day or two before Spring Festival, people will do thorough cleanings.

你到家之前我将把屋子彻底扫除一遍。By the time you get home, I wii have cleaned the house from top to buttom.

在你的心灵被禁锢之前,先扫除禁锢你的蜘蛛网。In your mind was being detained before you remove the cobwebs confinement.

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滚滚向前的洪水像扫除火柴杆一样地把房屋和汽车都冲掉了。The advancing flood waters brushed houses and cars aside like matchsticks.

在太平洋地区扫除所有的贸易壁垒是一项艰巨的任务。It will be a hard slog to sweep away all trade barriers across the Pacific.

双方经过协商扫除了达成协议的遗留障碍。The two parties have bargained out the remaining obstacles to an agreement.

在42名客房保洁职员中,只有4人被容许扫除这个房间。Only four of the 42-person housekeeping staff are allowed to clean the room.

这次事件震惊全国,也导致政府提出进行扫除弊端的改革。The case shocked the nation and led to government calls for sweeping reform.

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扫除南太平洋诸岛的空气对花和药料感到芬香。The air that sweeps the South Sea Islands is fragrant with flowers and spice.

这种信仰怎样扫除了生命中所有不重要的东西?In what manner has such a belief swept away all the unessential things of life?

二要创造良好环境,扫除投资障碍。Second, we need to create a good environment and remove barriers to investment.