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永远像一颗蹉跎岁月的星星一样。There glitters forever, like a useless star.

铁娘子执行蹉跎岁月的音乐录像。Music video by Iron Maiden performing Wasted Years.

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只能无奈地坐在那蹉跎岁月,关了又开一试再试。And justs sits there for ages untill i close it and try it again.

考试对于我来说,从来都没有多大的吸引和价值。越是考试,越是让我觉得蹉跎岁月。Anyway, i'll say goodbye to all of the test, don't wanner do it for one more time.

沉重的石屋,上海知青40年前的蹉跎岁月。Heavy stone house. 40 years ago, Shanghai young students of the wasted time spent here.

这首诗七次提到“明日”,反复告诫人们要珍惜时间,今日的事情今日做,不要拖到明天,不要蹉跎岁月。If all my things are put off till tomorrow, My time wasted to no purpose will brew woe.

蹉跎岁月,泪水与孤寂中,安然的走出,是勇气还是生命的顽强?Waste time, tears with lonely medium, come out safely, is a courage or a life of stubborn?

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或者想就这样蹉跎岁月,其实这是对自己的不负责任。Perhaps think with respect to such waste time years, actually this is irresponsible to this.

否则,就会在五光十色的希望肥皂泡中蹉跎岁月,浪费自己的青春年华。Otherwise, it will bubble in the bright lights of hope in the wasted time, wasted their youth.

但就是这560圆,让人们重新看见了中国电影那段最难忘的蹉跎岁月。But is this 560 circles, let the people see Chinese movie that section of most unforgettable idling one's time away.

在切尔西蹉跎岁月的两年令核弹头荒废了武功,所以舍瓦今天的表现才难能可贵。Chelsea wasted time in two years abandoned the ability to make nuclear warheads, so today, cheval only commendable performance.

明知己之不足不改,最后只能在蹉跎岁月中渐渐消逝,不留痕迹。If you know your shortcomings and feel reluctant to change, then you will only vanish with time without any trace to be left behind.

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当年在尤文没能大红大紫,反而在替补席上蹉跎岁月的米科利此时再度让人们想起了那段往事。Ewing was the breakthrough role did not, but in the bench of the wasted time, Miccoli at this time to let people re-think of that part of the past.

不要再沉湎过去或梦想未来中蹉跎岁月,真真切切过好生命中的每一天,你的整个人生就会丰富充实。Don't let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past or for the future. By living your life one day at a time, u live all the days of your life.

不要在沉湎过去或梦想未来中蹉跎岁月,真真切切地过好生命中的每一天,你的整个人生就会丰富,充实。Don't let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past or for the future. By living your life one day at a time, your live all the day's of your life.

可是,到头来终未摆脱左手一只鸡,右手一只鸭,养鸡为换盐,杀猪为过年的蹉跎岁月。But, in the end did not cast off left hand eventually a chicken, the right hand a duck, raise chicken to change salt, kill a pig to be the waste time years that spend the New Year.

如果你还不知道某人在你的心中占有特殊位置,请你一定要珍惜这个人,珍惜你们能够在一起的每时每刻,在生活的蹉跎岁月中,任何时候都可能发生任何事情。For all you out there with someone special in your heart, cherish that person, cherish every moment that you spend together that special someone, for in life, anything can happen anytime.

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知识青年、文学青年、编辑、作家、编剧,青年时代的老马和众多蹉跎岁月中成为成功者的人一样,有着被媒体惯称为“传奇”的人生经历。Young intellectuals, literature, youth, editors, writers, screenwriters, the youth, wasted time, Maradona and many people become successful, the media have been used as "legendary" life experiences.