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这种超级天体如同一个引力透镜。That massive object acts as a gravitational lens.

引力透镜现象就是光被巨大质量物体弯曲的现象。A gravitational lens is formed when light is bent by a massive object.

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但是引力透镜还从未以如此精确的方法被使用过。But gravitational lensing had never before been used in such a precise way.

探测星系的距离的原理是“引力透镜”。The distant galaxy was detected using a phenomenon called gravitational lensing.

这些黑洞也是引力透镜实验潜在的探测目标。These black holes are also potentially detectable through their lensing effects.

由于气云较为庞大,所产生的引力透镜现象也就应该更为明显。Because the gas cloud is more massive, the lensing it creates should be more pronounced.

贝内特说,微引力透镜技术有望用来发现跟地球大小更为接近的行星。Bennett said the microlensing technique holds promise for finding planets even closer in size to Earth.

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天文学家发现“X射线估算的质量”仅有“引力透镜”方法估算的质量的十分之一。The astronomers found an "X-ray mass" only a tenth of the mass found using the gravitational lens method.

简要介绍了引力透镜,NFW质量分布模型的基本原理。This article briefly introduces the basic principles of gravitational lens and NFW mass distribution model.

这种效应就是引力透镜。大质量物体都能够形成这样的效应。This effect is known as gravitational lensing, and the heavy object that causes it as a gravitational lens.

星系团起著强大引力透镜的作用,将遥远的星系放大和扭曲。A galaxy cluster acts as a powerful gravitational lens, magnifying and stretching the distant galaxies lying behind the cluster core.

该星系发出的光受到阿贝耳2667引力透镜的影响,看上去就像是透过酒杯看远处的人一样。Light from this galaxy is gravitationally lensed by Abell 2667, appearing much like a distant person would appear through a wine glass.

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最终的进展花费了几个月的时间去证实,并且这是研究者们第一次使用一种叫做微引力透镜的新技术。The breakthrough eventually took several months to confirm and was the first time researchers used a new technique called gravitational microlensing.

以后对于这个星系群的研究需要被用来解释关于基于用X射线数据和引力透镜估算质量的不协调问题。Further studies of this cluster are needed to explain the lack of agreement , between mass estimates based on the X-ray data and on the gravitational lensing.

暗物质构成了大部分的总质量,并主宰了集群的引力透镜,或从光线弯曲的背景星系因引力。The dark matter makes up most of the total mass, and dominates the gravitational lensing of the cluster, or the bending of light from background galaxies due to gravity.

但仔细观察会发现许多背景上的星系都由于该星群的引力透镜的偏斜而被扩大并扭曲成怪异的长条弧状曲线。A close inspection, however, shows that many background galaxies are strangely magnified and distorted into long curving arcs by the gravitational lens deflections of the cluster.

得益于它们的重量,MACS星系就像一个巨大的宇宙镜头,能放大,变形和弯曲经过它们的任何光,和引力透镜的效果一样。Because of their heft, the clusters act like giant cosmic lenses, magnifying, distorting and bending any light that passes through them — an effect known as gravitational lensing.

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引力透镜公式计算所有的变量,比如距离和密度,对光何时离开背景星系以及行走了多远的距离给出更好答案。The gravitational lens equations account for all the variables such as distance and density, and provide a better idea of when light left the background galaxy and how far it traveled.