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我可以借用你的暖水瓶吗?。Can I borrow your thermos?

我可以看看那个暖水瓶吗?。May I see that thermos bottle?

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请拿一只暖水瓶给我。Get a hot-water bottle, please.

暖水瓶没多少水了。There is little water in the thermos.

这些暖水瓶是用于保存热水的。The thermos were used for keeping water hot.

你想让我把你的暖水瓶倒满水吗?Would you like me to fill your thermos for you?

暖水瓶放在腹部或者背部会很舒服。Use of a hot water bottle held to the abdomen or back is comforting.

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有暖水瓶,还有烧水的电热壶。There are hot water bottles, and the electronic equipment to boil water.

我清楚地记得我打碎了一只妈妈刚放到走廊里的暖水瓶。I clearly remembered I had broken a thermos that was just put in the corridor by Mum.

中国最早的暖水瓶出现在北宋后期。The earliest thermos bottle of China appeared in the later period of the Song Dynasty.

带喜字的搪瓷脸盆、毛巾和暖水瓶是那年代结婚的常送礼品。The enamel basin with "happiness" character, towel and thermos are so common for wedding present.

至于饮用水,沙发边的茶几上有一个暖水瓶,里面是开水。For drinking water, you have a thermos on the tea table by the sofa. The water in it is boiling hot.

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你会在隔间里发现有茶杯,有时候甚至有茶叶和装有热水的暖水瓶。In the compartment you find teacups , sometimes even tea leaves, and a thermos bottle with hot water.

靠近窗台的地方整齐排放着很多暖水瓶,搪瓷的大水缸、老缝纫机、小勺子等等。A lot of thermos bottles, big enamel water vats, old sewing machines, small spoon and the like line in the place that is near windowsill.

我们唯一的餐具仅包含几个锡盘子,一个没有把手的杯子和一个暖水瓶,我也还记得当戴维发现我们餐具时候的表情。I shall always remember David's expression when he found that our only tableware consisted of a couple of tin plates, a cup without a handle, and a thermos top!

新华社报道说,事故发生在一个弯道,车厢翻到了沟里,血迹斑斑的床单和破碎的暖水瓶满地都是。The accident, which happened at a bend, caused the carriages to topple into a ditch, Xinhua reported, adding that bloodstained sheets and broken Thermos flasks littered the ground.

几个小时后,我丈夫下班回来发现我裹着他的冬装棉绒睡衣,抱着暖水瓶,盖着两床羽绒被和一张毛毯,但是我还在不停的打颤。When my husband came home a few hours later he found me not quite asleep in his winter-weight winceyette pyjamas, clutching a hot-water bottle and shivering under two duvets and a blanket.