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蜡烛在太阳光下变软而熔解。The candle softened and melted in the sun.

中国从未遭受过重大核熔解事故。China has never experienced a major nuclear meltdown.

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如果有热源将冰融化,皮托管也随之熔解。Until heaters can melt the ice, the pitot probes are out.

铝和玻璃一样可被熔解。Aluminum can be remelted as successfully and as often as glass.

禁止使用明火加温或在密闭状态下熔解漆料。Prohibit using a direct fire or liquating paint under airtight condition.

想要从熔解氯化物中充分回收银时很难办到。It is difficult to completely recycle Ag which dissolved in the chloride solution.

把医生开的每顿饭要吃的药放在一杯水中熔解掉喝下去。For the pills on each meal from a prescription, melt them in a glass of water and drink it.

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核酸温度熔解曲线的测定证明它是一个单链的RNA。Its hyperchromic effect of slowly increasing the temperature is characterestic for single-strand RNA.

材料熔解采用直接火焰然烧,并透过熔汤池来持续供应高温且高质量的熔汤流到保温坩埚。The melting chamber supplies a high temperature and high-quality metal to the holding crucible furnace.

核反应堆完全熔解后,会释放出另一种危险物质铯-137。铯-137的半衰期为30年。Cesium-137, with a half-life of 30 years, is another dangerous substance emitted in a full-scale nuclear meltdown.

还有一大优点是,这种材料经过加热后能熔解,易于回收,所以,它又是一种环保材料。A final blessing is that it can be broken down with heat and easily recycled -- so it is environmentally friendly, too.

专家说,如果核反应堆完全熔解,伴随的健康风险可能包括特定类型的癌症、死胎和急性辐射综合症。Health risks could include specific types of cancers, stillbirths and acute radiation syndrome if a full meltdown occurs, experts said.

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熔解曲线法和PCR微板核酸杂交法需要进一步完善以提高敏感性和特异性。Melting curve assay and PCR microplate hybridization-ELISA assay should be further improved to increase their sensitivity and specialty.

一旦无法保持熔解高温,熔化后的TPU热胶膜随即冷却,将会堵塞管道或机台其他的热循环部分。Once you are unable to keep melting temperature, melting hot TPU film immediately after cooling, can clog pipes or other thermal cycles section.

熔点较低,可直接投入开炼机或者密炼机中,使用方便,且熔解较好,不会有白点问题。A lower melting point can be opened directly in the smelting machine or mixer, easy to use, and the melt-down is better, there will be no white points.

通过对萘的熔解实验条件的研究,获得了一种较好的萘的熔解实验方法,使实验结果较好地与理论相吻合。In this paper, by means of researches for experimental conditions to fuse of C 10 H 8, obtain a better method of experiment, experimental results accord with theory.

然而,苝桥连苯并菲二聚体不具有液晶相,在其升温的过程中会先发生晶形的转变然后再从晶相熔解成液相。During the course of heating, the materials had a distinct crystal-crystal phase transition at first, and these were then melted into isotropic liquid at high temperature.

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进一步推导出了预测自由表面纳米微粒和镶嵌在高熔点基体中并与基体形成共格界面的非自由表面纳米微粒的熔解熵和熔解焓的计算公式。Furthermore, we have obtained the relations accounting for the size and shape dependent melting entropy and melting enthalpy of nanoparticles with free and non-free surface.

该公司还称,这种材料在与熔融铝接触使用时会显示出较好的抗湿性,因而它能够应用于各种与熔解铝的接触场合。ZRCI adds that the material also exhibits exceptional non-wetting properties when used in contact with molten aluminium, making it useful in numerous molten aluminium contact applications.

原来可能有一个或几个小行星形成了,大到能够使内测熔解成矽酸盐地函和铁核心。Probably one or more small planets originally formed, large enough to melt inside and separate into a silicate mantle and iron core. Later these were scattered by collisions into many small pieces.