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可以将一个三角形的三点概念化。Conceptualise a triangle with its three points.

他说过正确的声音应该是苍白的,概念化的。He said it should have an ashen, abstract quality.

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必须有结构化的方法来概念化服务There must be a structured way to conceptualize services

吉隆坡期货和期权交易所的概念化?Conceptualisation of KLOFFE as an "Options and Futures Exchange".

复杂流程实质上是一些难以概念化的规则。Complex processes are essentially the hard rules to conceptualize.

“不存在感”的概念化为何会如此困难?Why is it so difficult to conceptualize the "sense of inexistence"?

业务过程执行语义很难概念化。Business Process Execution semantics are difficult to conceptualize.

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企业中是否有人对企业SOA模型进行了概念化工作?Has anyone conceptualized an enterprise SOA model for our enterprise?

还有许多其他神佛的人概念化的形式有多种。There are numerous other deities who are conceptualized in many forms.

我在上面曾写道复杂系统的行为难以概念化。I wrote above that the behavior of complex systems is hard to conceptualize.

认知语言学对名词化的概念化过程进行了探讨。Cognitive linguistics probes into the conceptualizing process of nominalization.

最终用户使用这种方式更容易对数据进行概念化和查看。End users may find it easier to conceptualize and view data using this approach.

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该思想将社区驱动的软件许可证管理进行了概念化。The idea conceptualized a tool for community-driven software license management.

出价只有当你有很好的经验概念化的产品和包装设计。Bid only if you have great experience conceptualizing products and package design.

如何才能将一座历史建筑引入设计过程并且将其概念化?How can a historical building be introduced and conceptualized into a design process?

借此,叶红杏将中国当代艺术的新兴主题概念化了。By doing so, the artist conceptualizes a burgeoning theme in contemporary Chinese art.

我们过去对于斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基体系理解过于表面化和概念化。Our previous cognition about Stanislavsky system seems over-conceptual and superficial.

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宇宙和谐是如何显现的,我不想让你对这个主题进行任何的概念化。I do not want you to conceptualize in any way how these Universal Harmonies will appear.

此理论由戈登·塔洛克在1967年原创,后又被安·克鲁格在1974年加以概念化。Gordon Tullock originated the idea in 1967, and Anne Krueger introduced the label in 1974.

协助客户产品和活动概念化和设计创意环境。To help conceptualise and design creative environments for our clients' products and events.