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再画一个坐标系。Here are the axes again.

张量代数则离不开坐标系。Tensor algebra is tied to coordinates.

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返回一个XLD轮廓的坐标系。记住,是一个!Return the coordinates of an XLD contour.

这套坐标系对我来说更显得自然"Those directions are more natural for me."

这是粒子在世界坐标系中的尺寸。This is particle's size in meters in world space.

桌面的坐标系基于像素。The coordinate system of the desktop is pixel-based.

那用什么坐标系来计算这个积分呢?What coordinates do we use to compute this integral?

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但它的分量由你所选择的坐标系确定The components come in the minute you pick your axis.

这是极坐标系下的二重积分。Anyway, that is double integrals in polar coordinates.

把它转化成uv坐标系,我这话是什么意思呢?So, switch to a uv picture. So, what do I mean by that?

数据和地图需要在WGS84坐标系下。The data and map should be in unprojected WGS84 coordinates.

那么,这个圆方程在极坐标系下相当于什么呢?Well, what is the equation of this circle in polar coordinates?

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要按照距离进行查询,必须使用投影坐标系。To query by distance, you must use a projected coordinate system.

粒子在世界坐标系内的开始速度,沿着X,Y和Z轴。The starting speed of particles in world space, along X, Y, and Z.

我们所画的图是在xy坐标系内的,在这里我们可以。Well, we had here a picture in xy coordinates where we had our sides.

每个学院由一个坐标系系主任谁的工作部门。Each Faculty is run by a Dean who coordinates the work of Departments.

关于在xy坐标系里建立二重积分有问题吗?OK, any questions about how to set up double integrals in xy coordinates?

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或者还是用极坐标系,这比直角坐标系更好。Or I can use polar coordinates,and it works a little bit better that way.

这道题最合适的方法,应该在极坐标系里面计算。OK, the right way to do this will be to integrate it in polar coordinates.

选取坐标系,基准点或位置作为偏移的参考。Select csys, datum point or location as the reference for entering offsets.