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生产成本逐年下降。Production costs come down every year.

从1971年起,新专利逐年减少。From 1971, new patents decreased each year.

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影响因子呈逐年上升趋势,2004年影响因子是2001年的4.355倍。The impact factor of 2004 is 4.355 fold as that of 2001.

他们之间的爱逐年加深。Yearby year their affection for each other grew stronger.

不过自那以后汽车的物力安全性逐年增加。But since then cars have gotten physically safer every year.

这个城市的公共汽车的数量在逐年增长。The number of buses in this city is increasing year-by-year.

然而,圣诞老公公的形象可是逐年发展来的喔。However, this image of Santa Claus has evolved over the years.

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奖学金每次核定一学年,须逐年申请。Awards are provided for one year and must be re-applied yearly.

恶性肿瘤已成为人类的主要死因之一,且有发病率呈逐年增高趋势。Malignant tumor is one of the main death causes in human-beings.

制陶是个手艺活,但制陶的手艺人却逐年减少。Pottery is a craft alive, but the pottery artisans are decreasing.

学生体质健康不达标率逐年递增,学生的肥胖率逐年增长。The general ratio of not reaching standard increases year by year.

于此相比,linkedin具有扎实的发展基础路径可循,销量逐年倍增,它已经拥有100万注册用户。Sales have doubled every year. It has 100 million registered members.

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就只为了逐年增加的定货量,我们得放弃原来连续五年采购的保证?!We'd be giving up the five year guarantee for increased yearly sales.

伊斯兰教徒地区也逐年越来越恶化。From year to year the Saracen section also deteriorates more and more.

随着男女运动员成绩逐年提高,标准不断改变。These standards change each year as sportsmen and sportswomen improve.

奖学金每次核定一学年,须逐年申请。Awards are provided for one academic year and must be re-applied yearly.

结果采取教改措施后,学生的考试成绩逐年提高。Results Students obtained higher grades in the examination after reform.

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发展中国家对外直接投资流出量呈逐年上升的趋势。The outflow of FDI from developing countries is increasing year by year.

磁条卡在我国的应用逐年增多,今后将有更大的发展和广泛的应用。The application of the magnetic stripes is growing annually in this country.

这个城市的人口在逐年递减。There has been a progressive decrease in population every year in this city.