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人心是不满足的。No man is content.

不,他们不满足。No, not satisfied.

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我们怎么知道他不满足呢?How do we know that?

满足是什么?What is contentment?

什么是满足?What is satisficing?

满足你的渴望。Satisfy your craving.

我现在睡意朦胧的,而且还感到很满足。I am sleepy andcontent.

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我们需要满足需求。We need to meet demand.

满足朱丽叶或马伏里奥。Meet Juliet or Malvolio.

涐会满足沵任何旳需求。I'll be all that you need.

苏克雷的小女儿健康成长,苏克雷一脸的满足。Sucre hugged his daughter.

我很容易满足。I'm content with very litte.

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吃到满足为止。Learn to eat until satiated.

但他远远还没有满足。Yet he is far from satisfied.

你的愿望会满足的。Your wish shall be fulfilled.

大量的饮料充分满足了他的口渴。A long drink sated his thirst.

它是指真正的满足吗?Does it mean true contentment?

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他生活于和平与满足之中。He lives in peace and content.

咱本来挺满足的,能少出点总是好的。Is it good to take it earlier?

哪怕是为了满足穷人的需要。To meet the needs of the poor.