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从哲学上来讲,我是个实用主义者。I'm a, philosophically I'm a pragmatist.

真理观是詹姆士实用主义哲学的核心内容。Outlook of truth is the core of James' pragmatism.

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实用主义的教训关乎宗教的战争。The pragmatic lesson concerns those wars of religion.

我喜欢商业的另一个原因是它的实用主义。Another reason Ilike business is that it is realistic.

我们需要召集同样的实用主义去拯救全人类。We need to muster the same pragmatism to save humanity.

梦想者和实用主义者为幻想与现实问题而斗争不已。The dreamer and pragmatist battle over fantasy versus reality.

理解亚洲方式的关键是它们的实用主义。The key to understanding Asian approaches is their pragmatism.

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“关于“地球”的实用主义和理想主义一样多。As much as idealism there really is a pragmatism to Earthships.

一个是不辞辛劳的实用主义者,另一个是机智善变的自由主义者。One is a hard-working pragmatist, the other a mercurial idealist.

他甚至还命令实用主义者苏贞昌不去参加此次的“总统”竞选。He even ordered Mr Su, a pragmatist, not to run for the presidency.

所以罗蒂主张保留实用主义而把经验主义加以剔除。Because of this, Rorty claims reserve Pragmatism and give up Empiricism.

但在商业主义和实用主义的外表下,徐静蕾做事有她的原则和底线。But underneath her commercialism and pragmatism, she has her principles.

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中国的一胎症策是基于实用主义的。China is following a pragmatic policy of only allowing one child per couple.

不过我更集中的讨论了如何面对‘诗性和实用主义’之间平衡的问题。I focused on the tension between what I’ve come to call Poetry & Pragmatics.

本周,他乐观实用主义在秋寒料峭的莫斯科接受检验。This week his optimistic pragmatism was tested in a chilly, autumnal Moscow.

这些是一个灵活的人,一个实用主义者而非理论家的标志吗?Are these the signs of a flexible man, a pragmatist rather than an ideologue?

这是种有趣的街头实用主义与哲学的组合。It was a very interesting combination of streetwise pragmatism and philosophy.

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“啄食”秩序可能会改变,但是实用主义与高效率永远有重要意义。The pecking order may change, but pragmatism and efficiency will always count.

Hassenzahl用一组锤子暗喻解释了享乐主义和实用主义。Hassenzahl explains the hedonic and pragmatic qualities with a hammer metaphor.

不要将美国国民性中的实用主义和个人主义绝对化。Nationals of the United States not to the absolute individualism and pragmatism.